My Brightest Star -6

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"Ok. Please remind me why Im here ."
Y/N was shivering, even after being under three different layers of clothing. They were out at Hogsmaede on a Saturday morning, and it had been snowing.

"I told you we could have cuddled by the fire" Sirius said, slipping his hand around her waist.

"Its weekend guys !!" Remus said, throwing his hands up. " Some outdoor time !! And we're going home for Christmas holidays..!!"

"Its bloody snowing, Remus" Lily said sulking.

"We had some warmer plans" said James, nudging Sirius.

They burst out laughing. Y/N glanced at Lily, who shrugged.

"James ?" Lily's tone was sarcastic and her eyebrows raised.

"What ? " James said.

"What do you mean ?" asked Lily.
"I mean IT Lily !"

Lily smacked him on the head with her purse, and said "Dont you have anything else in your mind?"

"I didnt know it was crime to want that from my girlfriend !" James cried out, rubbing his head with his gloved hands. "Well, for your information, it wasnt just me ! Sirius agrees too !"

Y/N glanced at her boyfriend, and their eyes met. Sirius gave her a mischevious grin, and winked. She blushed heavily, and looked away.

"Come on, Y/N " said Lily pulling at her hand and walking back to the castle. "These guys-"

                             * * *
Sirius found Y/N on her bed, when they were back from Hogsmaede. Alice gave him a smile, and moved out of the room, to give them some space.

"Hey baby" said Sirius, lying down next to her, and wrapping an arm around her waist rubbing slowly.

"Hey " she said, now lying in her stomach, and opening her eyes to look at her him.

Y/N thought she was quite lucky to have Sirius in her life. He was so gorgeous with that smooth black that reached his shoulders, his deep grey eyes, and that perfect mouth. Not to mention his athletic body, and his smile, which girls died for.

She never understood why he would choose her. She wasn't much of tall person, and didn't have the fittest body. She was pretty, but she didn't know if she was pretty enough for him.

"Whats wrong ? Sirius asked.

"Why do you love me ?" Y/N asked.

"Where's this coming from?"

"Just say it, Sirius"

"Because you are just so precious !"
He kissed her forehead lovingly.

"Because no one can love me like you do...because your so innocent and pure"

Y/N felt her heart skip a beat to his words.

"Words cant explain what I have for you " Sirius continued, and he continued to rub her back. 

(Mature content)

Y/N realized how genuine his words were and her eyes welled up with tears. Before he could say anything more, she kissed him. She could feel his smile on her lips,and he pulled her close.
Sirius sat up, putting a pillow against the headboard of her bed, and leaning on it. Then he pulled her onto his lap, facing him, with her legs on either side of him.

"You are my princess" he said softly. "Never doubt it again. Understand ?"

Y/N nodded, and she leaned forward to kiss his neck. With a flick of his wand, he locked the door to prevent interruption from his friends.

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