My Brightest Star - 1

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Sirius Black laughed hard, watching his bestfriend James' face turn a shade of blue . It was something he had eaten.

"I think you should get Lily" Remus said, thoughfully.

"Ok, just a sec" said Sirius, jumping up from the couch and running up to Lily's dorm room."Please stay blue, Prongs ! Evans HAS to see this !"

James shot him an ugly look.

Sirius burst into Lily's room saying, "Evans, you gotta see this-"

He froze to the spot.

Lily's roommate Y/N Y/L/N was in there, pulling on a shirt. His eyes fell on her body, her soft curves, her smooth olive skin, and long wavy brown hair that fell to her waist.

Since his was quite a loud entry, Y/N turned almost immediately, covering herself with her shirt, and screaming.

"Black ! GET OUT !" she shrieked, making him stumble back, and close the door in a hurry.

He stood there, actually noticing this girl for the first time. He knew Y/N as Lily's roommate, but they never spoke.

Y/N was a half-blood, her father being a wizard and her mother a muggle. She was quite an introvert, keeping herself to her books and few close friends, mostly the reason why she wasnt noticed much. At least till now.

                           * * *

Y/N sat on her bed, her burning red face in her hands.

Oh God, it just CANT have happened !, she thought. And that too Sirius Black!

The way he stared. The look of shock on his face. Did he really see much ?

                           * * *

Remus bounded up the stairs, hearing the commotion, and saw Sirius standing in front of Lily's room, his mouth hanging open.

"What just happened?" he asked, shaking his friend.

"I-" Sirius began, but was interrupted by the sounds of James and Lily's quarelling.

"Come on !" Remus said, and two darted downstairs, to the common room.

They were soon engrossed in their conversation, eventhough Sirius found his eyes wandering towards the girls' dorms, every now and then.

He saw the door open and close, making his heart race for some reason. Surely, Y/N wasnt the first girl he had seen that way, but there was something about her. His heart was pounding in a strange heavy manner, watching the stairs - for her.

Y/N came down the stairs, her face a shade of pink, and her hair flying behind her.

Lily looked at her roommate only to see her sulking.
"Hey, you ok ?" Lily asked.

Sirius pulled in a breath, causing Remus to give him a suspicious look.

"Why dont you teach your friend some manners, Evans" snapped Y/N, eyeing Sirius, before stalking out of the common room.

"What was that about ?" Lily asked, looking at the four boys.

All eyes fell on Sirius, since he was the only one who had gone upto her room.

"What did you do ?!?" Lily growled, getting up from the couch. "Sirius !"

"I didnt mean to,ok !" Sirius said defensively. "How was I supposed to know that she was -"

"She was what ?"

"Well, she was changing clothes or something when I kinda ran into your room...I kinda saw...her..." Sirius stuttered.

"SIRIUS !" Lily said through gritted teeth.

Remus and James burst out laughing, followed by Peter.

"Oh come on guys!" Lily said, sinking back into the couch. "Sirius, you have to apologize to her"

"But-" began Sirius.

"No buts ! I am not the only one living there ! You just cant go into a girl's room that way !"

A smirk spread on Sirius' face.

"Ok. I will apologize" he said."Only 'coz I like what I saw"

"You pervert" said Lily, flinging a book at him.

                              * * *

Y/N was on her way back from dinner with Alice, her other roommate, when she was Sirius coming her way. The other Marauders were at a safe distance from them, but still watching.

Sirius approached her cautiously.
"Y/N" he said, stopping her.
She looked at him, folding her arms against her chest. Thats when his eyes fell on her nose. She had her nose pierced, with a small stone-studded nosepin.

"Hello ?"
Y/N was waving her hand in front of Sirius's face, and he looked back at her, blushing.

"What is it ?"

" sorry" he said, unable to keep his eyes from wandering again. This time it lingered on her brown eyes.

Her eyes caught his grey ones, and after a moment, she said " Its alright. Next time, you knock"

Y/N and Alice walked off, Sirius turning to watch her walk away.

                               * * *

"Have you seen that thing on her nose ?" he said out loud that night, after the four were in bed.

"What thing ?" Remus asked.

"She has her nose pierced" said Sirius.

"Whats happened to you, Padfoot ?" James asked, squinting at his friend through the darkness.

"Nothing" Sirius replied.

"Oh right" said Remus. "Didnt you see him staring at her all evening, Prongs?"

"I didnt stare" Sirius said, flatly.

"I saw that Moony" James said.

"Mee too" squeaked Peter.

"Shut up" said Sirius, not saying another word.

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