"He's probably fine." Sarada said in an attempt to reassure her friend. She nodded, "You're right. I should be more chill. It's not that big of a school anyway, right?"
"Well, I got lost plenty of times my first week here." Bolt said, making Sarada harshly hit his thigh, as Cho groaned. "What the hell, Sarada?"
"God you're right! Okay I'm gonna go and find Shinki, if the teacher asks, just explain to him my situation." They nodded as she got up from her seat at the table, "What was that for?" He asked while rubbing his stinging thigh, "Because you say stupid things."
  "It's not my fault she lost the guy."

Cho didn't even make it out of the door, before she ran right into Shinki, making her fall on top of him. The entire class looked at them, as they looked into each other's eyes, with blushes on each of their face. "I found you." She said with a smile. "This oddly feels like a dream I've had before." Shinki said, making Cho blush deeply, and giggle nervously. Their moment  was cut short by her boyfriend, who happened to be a few feet behind Shinki when he saw what happened. "U-hum." ShikaDai said while coughing slightly. She got off of Shinki and looked up at ShikaDai who was obviously pissed off.

"H-hey, Babe." Sarada and Boruto glanced at each other, and they both shook their heads. Dai wasn't a jealous guy, but Shinki and Cho's relationship was starting to make him into one. The pair sat in front of Bolt and Sarada, but didn't speak a word to each other through the entire class, and it was tense for everyone.
After class, Shika and Cho went off on their own, rather than walking with their friends.
"Well that was awkward." Bolt said making Shinki and Sarada nod in agreement. "I hope he knows that Cho and I are just friends."

"He does, believe it or not he trust Cho a lot."
"Then why is he jealous?" Sarada asked,
"He's a guy. It's a guy thing." She rolled her onyx eyes, "Insecurity is not a guy thing."
"It's not necessarily an insecurity. It's just hard to not be possessive over someone you really care about." Bolt tried to justify, but Sarada just rolled her eyes. "Being possessive is okay, to a certain extent, but being jealous? That's never okay." Bolt rolled his eyes, "If that's the case, then women need to stop making us jealous." Sarada laughed, "Don't try to turn this around on women."

Shinki laughed, "Ultimately it's a women issue when you think about it." She just rolled her eyes before she got into an argument, "Alright, I'm not doing this with you guys. I'll see you both later?"
They nodded, before they went their separate ways.
Though she knew that they were wrong, as she headed to her last class of the day, she couldn't help but wonder that maybe it was her fault that Haron was so jealous. When she thought of the way that she was so affectionate with Boruto, she began to rationalize his raging jealousy without even realizing it. Truthfully, she still had a little guilt from the kiss they shared, but she knew she could never bring it up without it blowing up in her face.

As she contemplated her relationship, the guy who occupied her mind appeared next to her, and threw his arm around her shoulders.
"Hey, Sarada." She smiled up at him, and kissed his cheek, "Hey."
"I hope you're ready for tonight." He said with a bright smile, "Should I bring anything special?" She asked him, "Nope. Just your presence is enough." She giggled with a small blush across her cheeks, "Alright Haron. I can't wait."
"Can I take the blindfold off now?" She asked Haron as he guided her to their date destination. She could tell they were at the beach, as she heard the waves crash against each other, alongside the distinctive smell of the Konoha beach. "No, not yet." He said while letting go of her hand for a quick second, as she heard a soft clicking sound.
"Okay, now you can take it off." Hastily, she pulled the satin material that covered her excited eyes. Her eyes watered at the sight in front of her.

Haron stood on the sand, next to a candle lit picnic that sat on top of a blanket. Around the blanket were rose petals, that shaped a heart.
"Aww, Haron." She said while putting her freshly manicured hand over her mouth, truly surprised. His creativity made her heart flutter.
"Come." He said while grabbing her hand and guiding her toward the blanket, where they sat and talked, while eating the delicious food he had prepared.

Once the sun set, and they sat there underneath the full moon, Sarada looked up at him, and admired him for a moment. She loved the fact that Haron and her could sit, and talk for hours about nothing, but stay so interested in one another. With his arm around her, and his jacket on her, she couldn't imagine being anywhere else, except right in that moment, with him.
  Looking into his green eyes, her mind
subconsciously drifted toward Boruto.
Haron was a great guy. He was handsome, smart, athletic, and so incredibly sweet.
But he wasn't Boruto. A part of her tried to convince herself that it was a good thing.

Maybe her and Boruto wouldn't last, and though she wasn't sure if her and Haron would, she knew that Haron treated her better than her friend ever had in regards to her romantic feelings. She would always love Boruto, but it really hurt her for years that the feeling wasn't reciprocated.
Her thoughts were interrupted as he said, "Let's go for a swim." He said while standing up, "I didn't bring a swimsuit." He shrugged while taking off his shirt, "So?" She laughed,
"I hope we don't get caught." She said while pulling off her shirt, followed by her skinny jeans. He smiled and looked her and up down, before taking off his pants, and saying. "You're so beautiful, Sarada." Her radiant smile came to her face, "Race you to the water."

Before she could reach the water, Haron wrapped his arms around her waist, making her laugh. The pair swam a few feet away from the shore, and as they were in each other's tight embrace, staring into each other's eyes, she could tell that something was on his mind.
"What's on your mind?" She asked while bringing her hand up to his wet hair.
His hand cupped her chin, and stroked her jaw with his thumb before saying. "I'm really glad that you gave me the opportunity to be your boyfriend, I'm convinced that you're literally an angel."

She couldn't help the smile that came to her plump lips. "I love you, Sarada." Her heart dropped as he said that. A million questions ran through her mind, and though she wasn't sure if she meant it not, she decided to say,
"I love you too." He smiled brightly, before kissing her lips. "How'd I get so lucky?"

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