Chapter 6

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While Sarada laid in bed with Haron, as he iced his bruised face, and complained about how sore he was, she couldn't get Boruto off of her mind. "God I hate Boruto. I got a week of in school suspension while he only got three days of detention. Total bull."
She nodded as he expressed his rightful anger.
"I didn't even throw the first punch."
Truthfully, she wasn't listening to a thing he said, the only thing she could focus on was the revelation Boruto had expressed to her almost an hour ago. She was still in shock. The words, "Someone like me." Were imprinted into her brain as she tried to decipher it.

It was surreal, because even though he had just confessed his feelings for me, she couldn't believe that Boruto Uzumaki liked her.
Could he?
No way. Besides, last summer she had decided to stop chasing after him. Yet that one phrase still made her unsure. A year ago she would be jumping for joy and telling everyone she knew that Boruto Uzumaki liked her, but now she didn't know what to feel. She was extremely confused, and Haron's constant complaining, about the guy that was occupying her mind, didn't help at all.

Neither did his hand that seemed to creep higher up on her workout tights. The walls seemed to close, as she couldn't seem to breath. Before she said anything regrettable, she grabbed his unbruised hand and interlocked their fingers, to stop him from going any further. Him and Sarada had kissed, and gone to second base, but nothing pass that, because she wasn't that comfortable yet.

They had only been together for two weeks and she definitely wasn't ready for that big of a step, like the one he desperately wanted to take.
"What started the fight anyway?" She asked,
"I know how you don't like when I'm jealous, but I saw the both of you at the track, okay?"
"I just asked him if he had a crush on you."
"R-really? What'd he say?" Haron shrugged, "Nothing really, he just spazzed out."
Sarada nodded, believing her lying boyfriend.
"Let me get you more ice?" She asked while grabbing his ice pack, "Thank you, Babe."
She smiled slightly while sliding on her slippers and walking out of his room. As she walked down the hall, she saw Aimi emerging from Boruto's room, and they made eye contact as he bent down to kiss his girlfriend.

As she watched him kiss his girlfriend, she got a familiar ache in her chest. It hurt the same way it always would, when Boruto would come to her for relationship advice, or when he'd talk about a beautiful girl he had met. It hurts when you can't have the boy you love, but it really hurts when he acts as if you're just another one of his friends. It was ironic to her how he said he could be the guy to treat the way she deserved to be treated, yet he was doing this. She knew that maybe Haron didn't deserve her, but neither did Boruto and now she was sure of it.

At least Haron wouldn't play with her feelings the same way Boruto had. Slamming the ice chest close, she walked past them and back to Haron's room. "Here you go." She said, while he nodded and thanked her silently as he spoke to his parents over the phone. "I'll see you later at dinner?" He nodded before leaning over and kissing her lips.
"Where's Boruto?" Cho asked as she approached their table. "I don't know. Why?"
Sarada asked, with a little more animosity than intended. Hima glanced at everyone before Jin said, "Oh nothing. He's just always with you."
She shrugged, "Well he's probably with his girlfriend."
"What's up with you?" Cho asked with one of her eyebrows cocked, "Nothing."
"Hey guys." Bolt said as he sat down in the open seat, which was next to Shika and directly across from Sarada. "Are you guys ready for tomorrow?" He asked, making her roll her eyes at just the sound of his voice.

"God no. I honestly think I'm going to sleep in just because." Shika said making them all laugh, "Well I only have three classes, thanks to." He didn't finish his sentence as their eyes looked into each other's. He cleared his throat as Hima said, "Well must be nice. I have six classes."
"That's it? When I was your age I had eight." Inojin said, she winked at him before saying "Well that shows who the smart one is in this relation." Sarada kicked her leg lightly, making her wince and stop talking. She hadn't told the guys that Jin and her were dating, so she was saving her from getting her boyfriend beat up by her brother.

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