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            Saturday morning is quite possibly the most confusing morning of my entire life. When I say I literally have 187 missed messages from Emily and Marina, I mean I literally have 187 missed messages from Emily and Marina.

            Apparently James isn't totally thrilled with this either, because minutes after I'm trying to catch up on what's happening, I get a text from just him saying:

"What on earth?"
"Idk man, teenage girls."
"Ha. I guess."
"Btw did you get a corsage for Emily yet?"
"Aw crap. No, I didn't." "Well, fear not, for by the power of my employee discount, I'll grab an extra."
"Thanks! :)"

I search for my keys and shout, "Mom! I'm going to the store!" I shout, pulling on a pair of shorts and stuffing my phone into my pocket. "¡Espera, espera! I have a list!"
"Ugh, can't you just text it to me?"
"I suppose."
"Okay, bye."
"Do NOT forget my list. Bye, mijo."

            Being Saturday morning, it doesn't take long to get there. The roads are pretty much clear, because everyone that would usually be on the roads is sleeping in, and thus I make it to the store in record time. Catelin, one of my co-workers, is sitting at the floral department counter with a look of utmost boredom. "Yooooo Peyton, my man, can you please tell me to do something. I have been doing nothing but making these hideous corsages for three hours, and the only other person here is Todd."
"You're that bored?"
"Honestly, I'd rather be mopping the floors of the men's room." I laugh, "But you're still not bored enough to talk to Todd?" She sighs as she taps her long red fingernails on the counter and asks, "So what can I do ya for?"
"I'm assuming we have corsage stuff left."
"I can do it myself, I just need the stuff."
"I dunno man, the flower department doesn't open for another two hours, and it's order only you know, and I've been making corsages all morning." I raise an eyebrow to her. "Please?"
"I'm kidding, of course I can make one for you. I definitely don't trust you to make one yourself."
"Hey! We all have artistic potential. Sometimes, we just don't know how to execute it."
"Who told you that one?"
"A friend."
"A friend? Huh."
"Anyways, could you do two? I told my friend I'd get him one too."
"In that case, can I get a purple one and a pink one?"
"Yep." She gets to work, immediately waltzing through the rainbow assortment of flowers. Catelin talks my ear off for a solid ten minutes, going off about her sister's son, and how they needed a daycare place, and how she wishes he'd stop crying when she held him, and how her sister finally got a real job working as a nurse for a pediatrician. She's always talkative going on and on about every little thing that life has thrown her way. Some people think it's her being over dramatic and seeking attention, but I will always defend her. If you trust people enough to share your whole life with them, then the least you can do is not underestimate the severity of their problems.

           Ten minutes later, Catelin presents two perfectly wrapped corsages. One with a pink rose and the other with some speckled flower with big flat purple petals. I pay for the flowers, along with the stack of groceries my mom needed. "See ya later," I call. "No, Peyton! Don't leave me!" She rests the back of her hand to her forehead like she's fainting or something. "Bye, Catelin" I say, rolling my eyes. In the parking lot, I pull my phone out to check the time. I find out that I have another 38 messages from our group chat, a missed call from Emily and two missed calls from Marina. When I get into my car I open the chat.

Me: Yo guys, what the hell?
Emily: Sorry. Were wrapping up. I promise.
Marina: did you get corsages?
Me: Yeah.
Marina: ooh! lemme see!
Me: No.
Marina: Why notttttttttt
Me: They're a surprise. :)
Marina: they're fucking corsages, peyton, how surprising can they be?

She shuts up anyways though.

Marina: well, i'll finally give you your peace and quiet guys. i need to go get my hair done.
James: It's literally ten o'clock
Marina: and? a girls gotta be ready.
Me: Whatever. I'm getting James at 5:30 and then I'm going straight to Em's house so you better be ready by then.
Marina: K
Emily: Sounds good.
Me: Btw, are we still going to Jared's after the dance? His brother wants a head count so he knows how many kegs to order or something.
Emily: I dunno guys...
Me: I think he was kidding about the kegs btw.
Marina: Come on, please Emily. Pwease pwity pwease?
James: I'm good with whatever.
Emily: I guess. But I'm a designated driver. I refuse to drink.
James: Yeah, I'm not huge on drinking either, But, like, I can't drive. I'll be designated support friend.
Me: Fine. Emily's driving us home then?
Emily: Sure that's fine.
Me: I'm putting my phone on do not disturb now so if you have anything to add speak now or forever hold your peace.

All the Missing Pieces (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now