August 20th

12 2 0

I was loving every second of it. I had my dorm room all decorated the way I wanted, my roommate is a little awkward and dorky but I love her. We get along well.

So far it was good. My roommate took me to this welcome back party. It was technically a welcome for us but whatever.

The party went on and I was kind of awkward. There was a lot of people I didn't know. I felt weird being around unknown strangers.

Some girl brushed up on me. "Hey there handsome." She smirked.

I pushed her away from me. She seemed like she was already drunk.

"Hey wait!" She called out.

"Yeah?" I said.

"You're really cute. I just want to know you!" She said.

"Yeah, well, I have a girlfriend." I lied.

"Bummer." Another smirk crawled onto her face. "She won't know what she can't see." She said.

I turned around and walked the opposite direction.

Why did I say I have a girlfriend? Jodie isn't even my girlfriend. Maybe I should listen to what she said to me on the plane. To not worry, make new relationships, and be free.

A brunette girl who was walking backwards bumped into me. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" She apologized as she turned around. She had a face of worry and then it relaxed when looked at me. "Sorry." She said a little more calmer.

"It was my fault, I was in the way." I said.

"Oh." She smiled. "I didn't catch your name?" I would probably tried to get out of this situation somehow but I didn't.

Maybe it was how a thin strand of her hair fell onto her face. Or how illuminating her green eyes were. Or how mesmerizing the freckles on her nose were. Or maybe it was Jodie's voice ringing in the back of my mind saying, do it.

"Roy." I smiled.

"I'm Valerie." She said.

The rest of the night, I stuck by her side.

Authors note:
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