I was just 11

15 1 0


Momma look at my church dress that daddy got for me when he was here Mom THATS DISGUSTING ON U TAKE IT THE FUCK OFF IU BITCH but momma I wanted to look pretty U WILL NEVER BE PRETTY SO WHATS THE POINT PUNCH momma stop UR hu....rting me GO SOMEWHERE AND DIED SLAP PUNCH KICK U FAG U HOE U SLUT U CUNT U TRAMP but momma I love u u see I clean up the house for u don't u like it trying to smile with blood dripping down her face. I HATE U KILLED UR DAD U BITCH HE HATED U TOO that now true momma I will always love all a sudden the door bell rings daddy hi honey now u listen here I'm not going to be here for long but Halle Erin HERNADEZ. Reed I love u ok daddy bye no daddy I don't want u to go daddy I love u sweetheart COME HERE BITCH ok momma DONT CALL ME THAT BITCH ok mom i mean I don't what to call u SHUT UP BITCH PUNCH SLAP stop: coughing up blood I'm sorry mama


I'm sorry why are u sorry ray asked I'm sorry I did not mean to get it dirty I just wanted u too be happy and love me Halle starts shanking hard and fast im I'm sorry I'm sorry momma I'm so sorry why are u sorry BECAUSE I RUIN IT I RUIN IT I RUIN IT I RUIN......................the dress I hate MYSElf I know daddy died because of me I'm sorry moma I love u Halle what's wrong with u Jacob said I need u daddy I need u where are u where are u Halle stop it I'm sorry momma don't hit I mind as well do it myself PUNCH IS THIS WHAT U WANT MOMMA I just want to make u happy HALLE STOP huh wait why am I bleeding what happend u got crazy saying stuff about your mom and got this real thick Texas accent I need u halle said

What happens to Halle ? who is u?

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