Fix it lord

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And I get on the bus I sit in the seat oh let tell how I look I'm light skin I have my hair shave on the side and short on the other but it looks cute so I sit down and write in my journal that pain I feel everyday always can make my happiness get away and I'm done I feel I run from all the my tears spring like rain just then I shut the book and guess who sits right next to me ray ray ugh I hate him so much but I have to live it so he says hey sexy how u doing pov.i like ray ray a lot but the way

he acts get on my nerves more then anything hi ray ray I say to moving his hand up and down my leg um watt are u doing I say moving his hand just showing u pleasure I don't want pleasure I don't need I'm not no whore like U aww mani why u so tense I just want to get to know u estupido WATT TF U CALL ME BITCH TRAMP SLAP that's when i got overheated and starkiesha slap tha fuck out of ray ray Princeton had to get me off of him ray ray got him and Princeton both whisper into my ear will get u after school over With a smirk😏 I hate both of them in first period I ran to my class and sat down so I would not be late mr .sanchez IDGAF watt y'all do just be TF Quiet Kay ok cause I'll come out here and whoop some ass ok everybody says me Sanchez is fuckin cool but I forgot I had classes with the boys aww shit....

HEART TO HEART❤️_❤️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt