Good bye Good bye

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Anyways I called Jervante and he answer BEST FRANDDD he says what up tho I said smiling he so ghetto he a Darkskin and he got a lazy eye but he got swag and he cool so I talk to the nigga and he gay so I we was talkin I told him I told the guys I'm BIE and kiss a girl I hope u don't fall in love ,I'm not Jervante she gonna be my FRAND so yea so who are these misery boys ray princeston roc prod oh alright alright IMMA sleep a nigga need her beauty sleep iight bye bitch bye hoe after that I went to sleep

MORING BITCH princeston said waking my ass up said get up ok ok ok I said I walk to my room and see the boys on the post in my room I wake them up

Ray POV:I was asleep and had the biggest creak in my neck

Prod POV:I'm hungry shit

Roc POV: oh shit forgot I was tied to

This shit

Halle POV :I untied them and got dress in a big nike shirt and basketball shorts I need to go for a hip hop look u know fuck I'm be a little cute for couple months so I asked ray for money

Ray POV : I was talking to the boys when I saw Halle she asked for some money I gave her 3,000 dollars

Halle : I can't believe this nigga gave me 3,000 dollars yassssss but I'mma bout to go to the mall and buy some shit I brought a lot of stuff shoes necklaces shirts jeans shirts a bunch of sports bras and jeans and shorts

But I

Stop and see one of the girls that used to bully me used to call me names she came up to me and said hey ugly ass bitch I remeber u u dumb stank ass bitch ur so fuckin worthless just die u dummy

I just ran away with tears in my eyes and put my back in the car I remeber all the stuff my mom used to call me

Flashback: u dumb ass bitch slap I fuckin hate u slap kick just die punch kick slap u dummy why can't u be a girl slap kick punch

I drive home and close the car door and run into the house crying

Ray pov all a sudden u see Halle crying and I'm shocked she has never crude the guys said what happen all a sudden I get a notification on Facebook that says Halle has posted a new video so I click on it

Video hey my name is Halle and I hate myself Idk even know why I tryed to fit in I guess I just wanted to feel love I know everybody hates I guess it's true because I hate me self too and I'm just done with all the lies and pains maybe I should disappear I'm done maybe I should stop breathing,living,loving, I just all of it to go away and stop the pain every single day day I hate myself I hate me and i I can't deal with life I was weak stupid ugly dumbass bitch and now I believe it so maybe I should just.......... Disappear she says balling her eyes out I' just want to be with my dad I'm gonnA see him today and were going to have so much fun i and ray princeston prod roc I love y'all and I hope u have a good life and I have to tell y'all something I'm sczophania and I hear voices and there not good so guys I'm going to see daddy today

Ray I ran straight up to Halle's room she was not there so i check in the bathroom and she trying to open a bottle of pills NO HALLE STOP HALLE : NO I WANT TO DIE NOONE LOVES ME I

HATE MYSELF IM DONE RAY:I spill the bottles of pills on the floor roc and prod hold her back she say WHAT HAVE U DONE I HOLD HER and prince called the ambulances I I wanna die she keeps saying I'm sorry daddy I'm sorry mom i know I'm a failure she starts talking to her self daddy I love u I want to be with u im sorry I love u I'll be with u soon I just love u I want to be with u with dat she has a another bottle and takes the whole thing and NOOOOO HALLE SHE SHE BLACKS OUT IM CRYING MY EYES OUT I love she says before she blacks out I really do ray roc prince prod daddy mommy don't hurt me I love u .... Cliffhanger

Will she die coming next on ray love bullying story


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