Chapter 1 ~ Devils

Start from the beginning

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Jude snapped, however, he still held a calm expression.

"Word spreads fast in the underworld you see, so anyway where is she? I heard she's quite the beauty, maybe i'll take her and taint her with my wicked ways" Natsu smirked, licking his lips.

"Don't you dare touch her!!" Jude finally snapped, yelling from his throne

Jude suddenly launched forward at Natsu, however, he was too slow for the young man, as Natsu had already struck Jude through the chest with his sword upon impact.

"F-Father??" A small voice echoed from the back of the room.

", please" Jude pleaded, blood slowly started to gush out.

"Oh so this is the 6th beauty," Natsu realised.

And was she a beauty. Blonde, curvy and beautiful large brown eyes that seemed to enchant Natsu upon a single glance.

'Why does she look familiar' He thought to himself, it was as if something was clicking in his mind, she was distinctly familiar and images of pink hair on a young child were flashing in his mind. 

He snapped back to reality, and pulled his sword out of Jude, letting him to fall to the ground with a heavy thud. Natsu bent down and grabbed the scruff of Jude's hair, lifting him high enough to notice him.

"Don't worry pops I'll take real good care of her," Natsu smirked, lengthening real

He reunited his gaze to the girl, her hands on her mouth as she looked shocked at seeing her father on the floor.

Natsu raced over to her and with out a moment to process what was happening, flipped her onto his shoulder, her yelling and screaming going unnoticed.

Once outside he saw his men and raised his bloody sword in victory. They erupted into cheers.

"W-Why would you do this?!" Whispered the blonde beauty, tears slowly falling down her face.

"Because baby, I'm a Devil"

"E-Excuse me?! Who do you think you're calling baby?!" She yelled, trying to squirm in my grip.

"You obviously, you're mine now so I may call you whatever I like" Natsu smirked, she was gorgeous even with her attitude.

"What?! but why would you keep me? I am a angel and you disgusting devils hate us!" She yelled

"Wow, never heard an angel talk like that before and if you want to see disgusting then watch this" He told her, placing her on the ground in front of him.

"Hey guys!" He yelled, grabbing the soldiers attention.

He gripped the angel by her waist so she couldn't escape. She tried to move away, but with Natsu strength it proved futile.

"This men, is my new toy - Hey what's your name?" He stopped mid speech, noticing he didn't even know her name.

"No way am I telling you! Now let me go!" She yelled struggling
I held her wrist tighter until I finally got my answer.
"Ok, ok my name's Lucy!!" She screeched in pain.

"Ok guys this is my new toy, her name is Lucy. Anyone else besides me or a few maids will be slaughtered, got it?" He ordered them, they obeyed and nodded their heads.

Natsu then turned to Lucy who know had a small blush from the embarrassment. Luckily for her it was about to get worse.

"Oh yeah!"

"Oh yeah wha-"

She was cut of by Natsu kissing her. It was rough yet had a fiery passion to it. Lucy was too amazed by the sudden action that it took her a moment before she roughly pushed him off.

"Wha-what the heck are you doing that?! That was disgusting!" Her face fully red

Natsu laughed at her reply, knowing full well that she enjoyed it.

He then proceeded to chuck Lucy onto his shoulder and carried her away to the Devil Kingdom. She fainted from the immense heat change of the kingdom, yet Natsu knew she would adjust, just like he knew how this was going to be one heck of a journey.


Devil's Love (NaLu story) - WILL NOT BE COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now