Chapter Two: Family

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When I tried telling my mother about my empathic abilities, she acted like I was a five year old pretending to be superman. It made me pretty upset. I truly thought she'd be more supportive. But we all must learn eventually that not everyone will appreciate the gifts we possess.

Many people know that family is very important. Family teaches you many things, and they also influence you. For an empath, it can be both a blessing and curse. Family is the hardest to block out.

Let's use my family as an example. Everyday I wake up and go to school. Stress, tension, and many mixed up feelings of teenagers lingure with me throughout my day. This creates a hurricane of feelings inside. It causes stress on it's own. Once I get home, I am expecting to rest a little. My parents, on the other hand, have other plans mostly. My mom expects me to do little chores. These chores only become a problem when she stresses me about other things. This adds to the stress and causes depression.

From my own experience, I suggest finding a hobby you love. A hobby that is calming is the most effective. Every day do a little of this hobby. Relaxation should come easy after doing these activities. For busy people, I suggest meditation or healing crystals. If you prefer not to use crystals or meditation, then find calming music to listen to while going about your day.

Many families have get-togethers. Groups of people, meaning more than four, drain an empath. If your family decides to have a family party, go out side and get fresh air. Or go to a quiet room. Once you feel relaxed again, rejoin the family festivities.

Not everyone reacts the same to crouds. Some empaths even develop anxiety. While others develope an immunity to crouds of stress. I suggest ro anyone reading this to find out your limits. Knowing your limits opens a door of learining opportunities.

I Am EmpathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang