Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Denali sat on the floor of the cargo hold with her legs crossed and her eyes closed, meditating. Chewie sat beside her, doing the same thing, while Sekhmi attempted to copy their actions. As a girl raised on a dangerous planet where people were constantly after you or wanting to hurt you, it was very difficult to find inner peace. But Mi definitely tried as she crossed her legs, closed her eyes, rested her hands on her knees, slowly inhaled and exhaled.

Boba watched quietly from a few feet away, sitting ontop of an old cargo crate. He was bored, but didn't want to be left alone on the bridge. So when Denali had told Mi to put the ship on auto-pilot and follow her and Chewie to the cargo hold, he had no choice but to follow as well.

Their first lesson together as a group would be how to find inner peace. That was an important piece of experience in the life of a Jedi, and many who could not find peace with oneself often either ended up leaving the Jedi Order or becoming a Sith. Both options were not something Denali had in mind on her list of things to do. And she was sure that Chewie and Mi thought that same way.

Chewie's eyes were closed, but all he could see was white. He felt it flowing around him and through him, holding him in place and yet gently pulling him apart. The sensation was amazing, and he knew that the Force was truly with him. He had always been this connected to the Light side. It was one of the many advantages he had when it came to the Force.

Sekhmi wasn't so lucky.

She would try her hardest to clear her mind, to concentrate on nothing but the Force. Every few mintues or so, she'd see a similar white light. If she was fortunate, she'd feel it for a split second. But then it would immediately disappear as soon as she thought that she had gotten the hang of it. Instead of feeling at peace, she began to feel stressed. Denali could sense her frustration.

"Patience, Sekhmi. Just keep trying and you'll eventually find inner peace." Denali told her, not even opening her eyes. Mi let out a frustrated sigh, but continued to try. She took Denali's words to heart and kept on trying, grasping at the light with everything she had mentally. She had only been Denali's padawan for a few hours and she was already gaining experience.

"Denali?" Boba said.

"Yes, Boba?" Denali replied, not opening her eyes or moving at all.

"How long is it going to take to get to Alderaan?" he asked.

"A few more hours. Maybe three or four. It all depends on how fast the ship is going." she answered. Then she opened her one eye that wasn't hidden behind an eye-patch. "Why don't you go up  to the bridge and check?"

"Okay." Boba answered, then jumped off of the cargo crate and ran out of the hold.

The room was once again silent as they continued to meditate.

Denali was deep in thought, thinking about everything that had happened. She knew that she had most likely broke Obi-Wan's heart, and Anakin's, too. She knew that it was very unlike a Jedi to just abandon the Order when she was needed. But out of all those problems, only one question remained in her mind.

Would she ever see Obi again?

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The man sat at his desk, looking at bounties on the holo-net as he scrolled through the long lists. His one job, besides leading the Rancor Slayers, was to manually remove all of the bounties on the members of the group from the holo-net. That way, no-one was put in prison in case he needed them. And if they were caught, the police wouldn't have any evidence because all of their information would be wiped clean from the system.

He stopped mid-scroll as he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in." he called lazily from his desk across the room. The door slid open, revealing a young Rodian man. He wore grey thick slacks, a black t-shirt, boots, a brown wide-brimmed hat, and a dark brown trench coat over it all. A black belt sat tightly around his waist, a blaster hanging from each side.

"I've got some news for you, boss." the Rodian told him as he approached the desk. He pulled out his comm-link and tossed it onto the thick plastic surface of the man's desk. The light from the large window behind the man shone into the room, making the metal comm-link shine brightly. The leader pressed the button in the middle and four blue projected images appeared above the device.

"Isn't that Jango's boy?" the man asked the Rodian as he pointed to the smallest image. He nodded.

"Jango was killed in a battle a few days ago. That's Boba, his son." The Rodian explained.

"That's a shame, Jango was a good man." he told the Rodian.

"I'd pay more attention to the woman, though, Danik." the Rodian told him. "Does she look familiar to you at all?" Danik bent over his desk, squinting as he peered at the image. As he stared, he began to think that she looked familiar as well. Then his eyes widened as realization hit him across the head like a brick.

"Holy crap, is that-?"

"She landed her ship here a few minutes ago. Boba, a wookiee, and a Togrutian are with her, too. She says that she needs to speak with you immediately." Danik stood up from his desk and made a run for the door.

"Which hangar is she in, Jings?" he asked.

"Docking bay thirteen-" But the Rodian known as Jings didn't get to finish his sentence as he watched his boss, the leader of the Rancor Slayers, run out of his office and down the hall, trying to get to his sister as soon as possible. Danik ran as fast as his feet could carry him, passing members of the group in the hall as confused expressions appeared on their faces.

Nearly tripping over himself as he found the entrance to docking bay thirteen, Danik took a deep breath of relief. After all these years, she had finally come home.

His sister was here.

She was alive.

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