Chapter Twenty Five

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"Holly, I don't know if I should tell you all of it, Jack would be pretty pissed and-" Alex mumbled.

"Shut up and just tell me." I interrupted him. He looked taken aback but sighed once again.

"What was the last thing you remember?" Alex asked, "From that night?"

The last thing I remembered was passing out but I needed to find out everything from Alex.

"Just being against the wall." I lied through my teeth.  Alex quickly raised an eyebrow but started to talk again,

"Well, some asshole pulled the fire alarm so Matt took you into the bathroom. The other guys opened the door and they held us down."

"Where were Zack and Rian?" I asked quietely.

"They were outside the club trying to find someone to tell." 

"What do you mean 'held you down'?" I ased confused.

Alex's eyes widened, "He-uh-did some things to you Holly."

"Things?" I asked, frowning

Alex bit his lip and put his head in his hands. "He made us watch while he-"

I suddenly realized and blushed, slapping my hands over my gaping mouth. "I'm so sorry you had to see that."

"Not your fault." Alex said angrily. 

"So tell me, how are you feeling today Holly?" The nurse asked me, taking down notes as she stared intently at monitors around me. I couldn't see what she was writing but I would probably be able to understand. I wanted to be a doctor when I was younger. 

"Fine, I suppose." I muttered scratching my arm. All these wires were getting annoying. I heard a snore and looked over to see Alex, his legs spilling out of the chair. Rian sat beside him,with two cups of coffee beside him. He was still awake, but looked tired. He was texting but occasionally looked at me. 

The nurse stopped writing and looked down at me, "Do you mind if I check the recovery?" gesturing towards the blanket. I nodded and pulled it down. I winced as the nurse touched around the stitches. She smiled sympathetically and sat down in the chair opposite my bed. 

"Who would even think to do that?" She tut-tutted, scribbling down more notes. 

"But you must be used to it, you work in a hospital."

"Yes, but I'm still horrified every day when I see stab wounds like that."

I bit the inside of my cheek as Nurse Stevens walked away. "I hope they find him." she whispered before she walked away down the corridor. Me too I thought. 

I didn't sleep that night. I watched as Rian and Alexs chest moved up and down as they slept in the uncomfortable hospital chairs. I sat up, tired of staring at the ceiling. The blind was half closed and outside I could see a downpour of rain. I always liked sleeping when it was raining outside but I couldn't for some reason. I looked at the bedside locker, and saw that it was 12:34 in the morning. I wasn't tired at all. Usually Jack would stay up and we would play cards and argue when one of us lost until we were given out to. He slept on the end of my hospital bed one night because he was too tall for the chair but he got pushed off the bed by the doctor. I hadn't seen him in three days but Alex wouldn't let me talk to him. Keeping my eyes on Alex the whole time, I reached over to the locker where he left his phone. I pulled my knees up to my chest, hiding his phone and started to look for his texts. 

It wasn't an invasion of privacy, just concern for Jack. That was my excuse.  

Alex had a text from Claire telling him that she was coming to the hospital tomorrow for a scan and to see me. Another text from Matt asking him how I was and one from Zack asking how long a frozen pizza needed to be cooked for. I scrolled to Jacks folder and started to read. 


Alex : Fucker! Your mom called you. Come home!

Alex: Dude! Seriously! I'm coming to the hospital now, go call your mom!


Alex: Everything OK?

Jack: I have to go home for a little while. 

Alex: What's up?

Jack: I'll tell you later. Is Holly OK? Tell her I'm sorry, please?

Alex: Okay,good luck I suppose. 

Jack: Text me if anything changes.

That was about two five days ago, they just stopped talking after that. I was tempted to text Jack to find out why he was back in Baltimore, but they had taken my phone. I still couldn't sleep so I decided to look at pictures next. I flicked through the severeal hundred pictures he had. I couldn't help but giggle loudly at some of them. There was one of all the band and I together, linking arms in a club. Our eyes were closed, all of our teeth showing in our wide smiles. Rians teeth looked the best. 

"Shut up Holly, I'm trying to sleep." Alex moaned and clapped his hands over his ears. I rolled my eyes and locked the phone and tried to sleep, unsuccessfully. 

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