( .Prologue. )

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I stood before the man, holding hands with my brother. I squeezed his hand to reassure him. "I'll be fine." He tried to smile at me but it was more of a grimace. "Are we doing this or not?" Derek's voice was short and made anger swirl within me. Marching up to him and thrusting my arm in front of him. The alpha looked annoyed if not shocked by my outburst. Not even flinching as he morphed into the beast that I would soon become, his calloused hand wrapped around forearm. The pain was little to none when he sank his inch-long fangs into my arm. Isaac was at my side in an instant with the first aid kit. 

I laid my hand on his shoulder when I noticed his hands shaking. "Issa." He looked up at me with his big blue eyes that held the same innocence that I lost. "I will be okay. I will always be here, okay?" My little brother only nodded before wrapping my wound tightly. 

"It'll take time before your one of us." He spoke as if him and the alpha were the same. Even from the first hour I'd known about this stuff, I knew they were not. 

"And even longer to learn control." The alpha spoke from his chair, licking his teeth.

Smiling, I turned my head towards Derek. "I think after not killing my father in his sleep I have the control necessary to not maim too many innocents."

He did not seem pleased.

Isaac looked at me in fear. "You can't just talk to him like that." 

I smiled sadly. He will always have me rapped around his finger. "Okay, mi perrito. I apologize Derek." Seeing Isaac's beautiful smile was worth every drop of my pride. I will never let him forget how to smile. No matter what.


I sat silently on my cot that night, trying my hardest to not scream as the pain I felt spread out from my bite. It was as if I had injected lava into my veins, heat rolling over me in waves. Every bone in my body felt to big. The very air I took in, albeit shakily, was thick as a cigar drag. Yet, despite the heat and the agony, I didn't sweat. My body didn't seem to want to cool off, so when the heat reached my skin I had little hope I would survive. '50/50 shot at survival,' I thought as my eyes fluttered shut,'Guess I landed on the wrong side.'

In a perfect world, my eyes would have stayed closed...

They didn't.

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