Chapter 2

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            Jamie stared up at the dark ceiling. It had been several hours since he had gone to bed, and now it was almost twelve. He was restless. There was a ton on his mind, and he still couldn't wrap his head around why he was here and what was going on. Feeling as though a walk might help settle his raging thoughts, he got up and pulled a sweatshirt on over his bare chest. Slipping out of the room, Jamie crept down the dark hall and into the night.

The only light outside was that of the full moon shining down on the cement paths that snaked throughout the base. Everything was dark and quiet, and the stillness calmed him. After a while of walking, a strange feeling came over him, and he stopped short. He couldn't tell what it was, but it made him shiver. Closing his eyes, he tried to calm himself, but he saw something that shocked him: Freya.

In the back of his mind, she was walking along a path similar to the one he was on now. She had her hood up, and her hands were in her front pocket. He couldn't see her face, but he knew by the quick way she was walking that she didn't want anyone to follow her. Naturally, Jamie opened his eyes and immediately went looking for her. It didn't take long to find her. He recognized her silhouette from far away, and, to his surprise, saw her walking toward a small, brick building called Jonny's Casino. Jamie frowned.

Freya was going to gamble?

Letting curiosity get the best of him, Jamie followed her into the casino from a safe distance. He held back and watched as she walked up to a table with a bunch of middle-aged, mildly attractive men wearing suits. Jamie felt something inexplicable burn in his stomach.

Freya walked in the doors and was immediately assaulted with familiar smells of alcohol and chips. She walked up to the craps table, put her money down and said, "$100 on the Pass Line." The men at the table turned to stare at her. She pulled down her hood and smiled a syrupy sweet smile. "Any problems, gentlemen?" They gaped at her golden hair and all shook their heads.

Every once in a while, one of the gentlemen would look back at her and check her out. Freya pretended to be oblivious, but enjoyed the attention. Her eyes minutely flashed as the shooter rolled the dice, and they landed with a sum of seven. Every man in the Don't Pass Lane groaned while Freya smiled and collected her winnings. The game went on for a couple rounds, with Freya flashing to make herself win or lose. One of the men had been gawking at her too much, so she shot him a smile and made the come out roll land on a twelve. As he was in the Pass Line, he crapped out. Grumbling, he left the casino, bumping into Jamie on the way out. "Watch it, Beanpole," he muttered, stomping off. Jamie looked back over at Freya, incredulous. Since when did she know how to play craps?

Freya racked up a total of 1,000 dollars at the craps table before calling it quits. She collected her chips, flashed a smile at the men, and went to cash in the chips. One of the creepier, better-looking men followed her at a distance.

Seeing her get up to leave, Jamie quickly slipped back outside, pressing himself up against the shadowed wall. When Freya stepped out, she pulled her hood back on and began walking the way she came. Jamie was about to follow her, when the door swung open again, nearly smacking his face. To his disgusted horror, he saw the guy who walked out begin to follow Freya. Jamie's first instinct was to run and jump him, but thinking back to the Drake Incident, he decided that she could handle it. Just to be safe (and, frankly, not wanting to miss a show) Jamie took off after them.

Freya knew someone was following her. They weren't very good at it, and leaves crunched with their every step. She continued walking until she reached the treeline. Then she turned and watched the man come closer. He was grinning creepily and he picked up the pace when he saw her watching. When he got close enough, he stopped and spoke, "Hey, sweetie. Need a ride?"

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