Issue 0 (Reader Ready)

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Benefactor Story Map(size 24)
Issue 0
(Size 20)
Chapter 0: Character Intros
-Small strips with each main character (Dexter, Leona, Kasidy, Ned, Leona's mom, Dexter's mom, Ned's dad, and Tyler) 2 years before the events of Benefactor

(Size 18)
Dexter and Jack in dilapidated Chapel Building.

Dexter kicks in the door to the dilapidated room and empties a bag onto the bed. Jack appears behind him and looks over it.

Dexter: "Okaaay. So an almost expired metro card, 37 duckets, and an Agricultural scientist liscence" ponders for a bit. "Yeah. I can work with these for the next month or two".

Jack: "I did not teach you the Vapor ability for you to steal things, Dexter."

Dexter looks back and smirks. "Yeah, you didn't. But you also didn't teach me how to handle a knife to slice all the vegetables in that fully stocked fridge, now did you?" Dexter gestures towards the fridge with a broken off door and leans against his futon. "And besides, weren't you the one chopping up pleasure workers back in your time?"

Jack sighs and looks up. "They are always just like him." He looks down back to Dexter. "Come on, we have to get you to at least Spirit level if you are to temporarily replace Complexity."

Dexter groans once he gets up. "You said it yourself. I'm a different breed. Can't we just hold off on a FEW trainings? I don't care if no one else can see you, I still have a LIFE outside of you."

Jack: "I know you want to go see Ned. [Dexter blushes] I told you that is reserved for school times."

Dexter squares up before he frowns and says: "Y'know-"


Leona is sitting on a rooftop looking down at a guy, who just so happens to be reacting to her words and a girl sitting across from him on a date while she eats a sandwich "-we should do this more often. Saves alot of lives!"

The guy smiles and gets up and goes away. "Oooh, good one.Some time alone. equip it and then meet me at the rendevouz".

[Transition] Kasidy and the Satrap's Son step out of the car being driven by the butler and jog playfully into the forest. Kasidy leans against a tree and looks at the Satrap Son playfully and flirting. The Satrap Son chuckles and looks back in the direction of the car. He thinks: "I wonder if she will actually be willing to do it."

Kasidy: "I think we ought to talk"
SS: "What do you mean? B/C if it was for leaving during our date, you know I had to go-"
Kasidy: "To the bathroom, i know." She grips her arm a bit, and makes a vulnerable stance.
SS: *Wow. You always look so innocent*..."I wanted to talk about your treatment of Niko"
Kasidy: "Why are you so worried? I thought he was nothing but a Jhinek to you"
SS: "Yeah but he is still family. He may be a ser-"
Kasidy: "Slave. Slave you mean. You mean slave. 'He may be a slave.'"
SS irks back. "W-we don't call them that."
Kasidy: "You WOULDN'T. " Kasidy becomes more confident and stops her stance and slowly inches forward, smirking.
SS: "So, what was it about my dad that you wanted to tell me later?"
Kasidy smirks: "Ah Yes! The Satrap of the 12th Ward of the Yinkei Region. Giving land and money to the migrants and humanitarian organizations in the 5th Ward of the Elop Capital doing their job."
SS: "You say that like its a bad thing. What he's done has taken hundreds of kids out of human trafficking citculation!"
Kasidy: "Thats the problem. Our employers, don't really like the direction he's taking."
SS: "Our?"

Leona appears behind him and knocks him out. "I take it back. These long form missions waste alot of time."

Kasidy ties the Son to the tree. "Well don't complain to me about it. Just put it into the report."

Benefactor [Book 1](EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now