Installation X

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I rolled up to a lake and stopped the warthog, my eyes widened at the sight. I looked to the sky and above the lake was a floating structure, or multiple. They were cylinders and floating parts, it was all forerunner clearly. I heard rumbling noises as more floating pieces began to appear, I looked around and saw a big fancy forerunner building that reached into the sky and had a blue glow at the top.

I got out of the warthog and stood next to it, I tried the comms again. "Sierra 115? Can you read me?" I sighed as I still received nothing but static, I grabbed my shotgun and began to walk towards the facility. 

As I reached the front opening I slowly walked into the building, I held my shotgun up as my radar lit up with red dots. I ran into cover as multiple Covenant began to shoot at me, I pulled my pistol out and began to headshot the grunts and jackals. As long as elites didn't come out I'd be fine, if they did I'd need a bit of help.

I ran out from behind my cover and rolled into a crouched position, I held my pistol up and shot at the remaining soldiers in the room. I took on light fire but it wouldn't penetrate my shields without direct fire, I dropped my clip and pulled out another and reloaded. Once the room was clear I stood up and looked around, I holstered my pistol and held my shotgun as I walked around.

The room had arches around the roof and sides, of which I used for cover, and there was a computer hologram screen on the very back wall. The building was more of a tower than a facility, and it seemed like a control building or something. I walked up to the computer and saw all of the alien writing.

I activated my HUD to translate and I began to read the screen, "Holy shit. It's a real Halo Ring..." I continued to read further but only found codes. "These must be codes to deactivate the ring." I said before carefully reaching to the keyboard.


"AAHHH!" I screamed as I looked to where the noise came from, I was about to pull the trigger of my shotgun before I saw what spoke. It was a hovering silver robot in the shape of a ball with a blue light for an eye.

"You are not to touch that human."

I tilted my head at "What are you?" I asked pointing my barrel at it.

"I am the watcher of this Installation."

"Installation? What is that, and what is a watcher?"

"An Installation is what you are on, Installation X. It is one of many, most of which have been destroyed, but this one was activated by another AI of unknown origin. It was designed to destroy all life in the galaxy to prevent Flood from spreading, however I have not heard of any Flood activity in a long time." He started, he didn't seem hostile so I lowered my gun. "And I am a watcher, my name is 343117231380-2."

I looked at him and shook my head, "Nah, I'm gonna call you Rob."

"My name is Rob, and I am the watcher of this Installation. My job is to run and operate this structure and make sure that it is running properly."

I looked at him and motioned towards the computer, "Rob, you don't understand. You can't let this machine turn on."

"Why is that?"

"Because it'll kill all life! It'll destroy everything."

"Good, that means that it is doing its primary function."

"Rob, please." I began, "You can't let this run, help me turn it off."

"Hmm." He hummed as he seemed to think, "Ok. But it is not an easy task, you would have to turn off the energy receivers, then shut off the generators, before making sure the power was turned off. Then the Installation will shut down."

"Ok, so where do I start?"

"You will have to turn off energy receivers. They are inside the entire ring portion, you will have to block their connection."

I nodded, "Ok, how do I get to those?"

"Down this hallway, there is a hatch. It will lead you to the lower level."


I walked down the dark corridor with my helmet lights on, I've passed multiple pipes and technology I've never seen before. I wish Skylon was here, he might have a better idea of what this is than I do. "Ok human, you are getting close."

"How are you talking to me, and how do you know where I am?"

"I'm talking to you through your helmet, and I can see you through the ground with my thermal receivers."

"Ok." I said rolling my eyes as I approached a big steel door, I grabbed the side of it and pulled it off of its hinges. I moved it to the side and covered my eyes from the bright light, I looked into the pipeline and saw a huge beam of energy purple and blue in color. It was surging quickly through the pipes and breaking off into different ones.

"All you have to do is block the line."

I looked around and tried to find anything I could use, I looked at the door I just moved and sighed. "Let's try this." I said grabbing the metal and throwing it into the way of the energy, it blocked the main passage but the others were still getting through. I growled before pulling my rocket launcher off of my back, I shot it at the roof in two places causing the pipes to break and debris to fully block off the energy. 

Suddenly all of the energy disappeared and the room was dark again, "What happened?" I asked as my night vision came on.

"The energy is used all around the facility, it is used and then put back here to be used elsewhere. The Installation recycles all of its features, so when you destroyed the pipes it blocked all of it."

"That's bad design, what's next Rob?"

"You must now turn off the generators."

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