The Love Goddess

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The plan was simple.

Ryland and Jasper posed as their counterparts in animal form while Rosemare, Draver, and Ryker continued their search for the remaining Valkyrie.

In a way, I couldn't be upset that the mission to find the rest of the Valkyrie wasn't mine. This was a quest that was obviously close to Rosemarie, as she was the Mother. But a part of me wanted to scribble in Athena's notebook asking if this was all right. The quest, the fight against Loki, the competition in the Trials.

The power Odin would have against Loki with legions of mythical creatures outside of Norse mythology would be enough to make any King take notice.

And that's what scared me. From what the human side of me knew from classics is that the war for a kingdom is never truly over. There will always be another conflict, another victor, another tyrant- all waiting for the chance of glory eternal.

I refused to let the other Valkyries (myself included) become martyrs for a war we had been wiped memories of.

At the edge of the balcony of our cottage that swept over the quaint town center, still bustling in winter with fur coats and warm mugs of ale, I wondered if this is what the Valkyrie in me truly wanted.

Loki was bringing upon Ragnarok, and all I could think about is how much I missed the sound of Molly's mardi gras beads- the clinking of plastic beads always brought me a sense of comfort and safety.

A large raven landed on the edge of the balcony. His beak opened, ready to talk, but instead he was gunned down by the kamikaze warrior bird I knew as Oliver.

Athena's gift was territorial over his perches. He swooped in to peck at Ryland's eyes. The raven flapped bewildered at Oliver's violent attempts before transforming into his human form.

"Oliver is wild as ever." he huffed, looking almost proud at the kind of guard dog Oliver had become.

I tilted my bed for him to return back to his perch in my room and he happily flopped back in after throwing a few warning hoots at Ryland.

"What's the news?" I sighed, leaning forward to set my elbows on the railing again as he stepped closer to overlook the happy humans.

"Odin has no suspicious. Heimdallr is missing- again. I've spoken with some of the einherjar. They said that there's a rumor floating around that Hades is hunting you down."

I stiffened at that, thinking back to my meeting with Thanatos and his brother Hypnos.

"Want to explain that to me?" he said, voice tight.

My hands curled around the cold railing. "As part of my reincarnation, I technically avoid going to the Underworld. My body is Greek-made, and therefore is expected in the Underwold. My soul is Valkyrie, so it's expected in Valhalla. Each death, Artemis and Thanatos have been going behind Hades' back to bring me back to life. Hades' reputation is in danger and Loki is capitalizing on that by striking a deal between them. Loki gets me, Hades gets his reputation back."

Ryland nodded slowly. "And what of Heimdallr? Know anything about that?"

I shook my head pitifully. "I haven't seen him since returning to Asgard. The closest was when Thanatos killed a Fury sent by Hades posing as Heimdallr. Thanatos said the true Heimdallr would return by the next dawn, which he did. I don't think Thanatos would kill Heimdallr- he has no reason to. Besides, Thanatos is an ally."

"Even allies can turn into enemies." Ryland pointed out.

"Fair enough." I rolled my shoulders back, turning to sit on the long bench near the balcony side. "Now tell me what I asked for?"

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