Chapter 2 - She's Growing Up So Fast

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The years went by hastily as Lily lived with her Aunt and Uncle, who forced her to do all the chores around the house while they laughed at her.

In addition, they called her many mean and hurtful names which were mostly dumb.

But, she couldn't do anything about this, because she was still very young and was scared to tell anyone about anything that occurred.

If she did, they threatened to ~teach her a few manners~ and told her that they would throw her out to live under a bridge and burn every single thing that she owned.

So, she has cried continuously every night in her little bedroom they gave her.

Lily prayed that someday, everything would change and she wouldn't have to deal with her parents' death or her abusive Aunt and Uncle.


Soon she was now fourteen, and wanted more space in her bedroom and everywhere else, to put her additional stuff which she eventually bought with her savings.

".....Pleasee." Was her last word to Persly and Bert. They both looked at each other for a second and gave a nasty smirk.

'Big mistake!' She thought to herself after hearing their rude reply.

They gave her double of all her chores to do everyday. Also, they took away her Iphone and did not give her any food for a whole month.

Poor Lily had to eat the little fruits which she grew in the backyard during that time.

'Oh, Mom .. Dad .. How I wish you were here with me..' She thought everyday. 'Nothing would make me happier'


One day Lily finally got to go out with her friends to shop for clothes, jewelery, makeup etc.

She was quite surprised that her Aunt and Uncle allowed her to go anywhere other than school and back.

But nevertheless, her Aunt watched her like a hungry hawk as she left the house in her pink blouse, jacket, knee-length jeans and sandals.

"Don't let that child out of your sight!" Persly looked at them and squinted her eyes.

"Yeah, sure!" Corey Sanderson and Ashley Ryan shouted in usison.

They looked at Lily, confused, but all she did was smile nervously.

They then left for the mall, giggling and grinning while they discussed about their clothing and crushes. Past and present.

"No way Ash!" Corey was laughing so hard that her eyes filled up with water.


When Lily came back, it was 5:45 pm.

Her hands had three large shopping bags in either of them and she was very tired.

'This was exactly what I needed' She thought.

So she dropped her shopping in her room and took a long nap, until ....

"Get up, you lazy hippo!" Shouted her Uncle Bert, angrily at her.

"Yeah, If you can shop all day you can clean all day too!" Persly added. "So get cracking!"

Lily immediately got up, yet slowly, but was satisfied with her nap and started with her chores.

Night began to fall and the sun started to set but her chores were still incomplete.

She got a bit tired, so she decided to sit down and watch a short movie.

"Whapp!" The sound of a belt echoed in her ears and she let out a piercing scream.

Lily immediately realized that she wasn't done but was too exhausted to continue.

So her Aunt and Uncle tripled her chores.

'Great. Just great. Fantastic.' Lily was greatly dissatisfied but agreed and prepared to go to bed.

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