Seokjin and Hoseok agreed to swing by a café after class. Wanting to remedy their tiredness from a big pile of their still pending university works with caffeine. Both guys seating beside each other. Hoseok was leaning his weight a little to Seokjin's broad shoulder.

"I swear I think I'm going to die from stress and caffeine overdose." Seokjin grunted pleasurably after taking a sip on his french vanilla coffee.

"We all are," Hoseok said matter-of-factly, sipping his own caffe latte. The mild bitterness seeping through his taste buds, marvelling at long last for his reward after the day's work.

They were still talking when they were interrupted by somebody squealing rather cutely.

"Jinnie!" the both of them turned their heads to look at the owner of the voice.

A guy wearing the brightest yellow hoodie Hoseok had ever seen in his life, was approaching them. He's wearing ripped jeans, the little patches showing bits of his golden and silky legs. He's a little tan-skinned and ridiculously tall. A wide smile plastered on his face, adorned with a deep dimple on his cheek. His smiling eyes glimmering and his cute bangs were covering his forehead.

It's him!

Hoseok was flabbergasted. He can't believe he'll ever meet the cute guy again. Can't believe he'll get to see again the blonde haired guy he's been thinking about for the past two weeks. His cute dimples were the perfect cherry on top. Hoseok must have dropped his heart on the floor right there and then.

"Joonie!" Seokjin squeaked, his hands curling into little fists, waving it around cutely. Making Hoseok internally gag at the sight. He sometimes forget that Seokjin's older than him. He acts a bit childishly for his age. But then again, he can't ever live without this guy. They've been friends ever since they were little kids. They were inseparable.

Perhaps Joonie is his nickname?

"Jinnie hyung! Fancy seeing you here!" the cute guy, 'Joonie', said.

"Well I'm just hanging out with my best friend here, Hoseok. Hoseok, Namjoon. Namjoon, Hoseok." Seokjin introduced the both of them. His hands directing to them alternately.

So his name's Namjoon. What a cute name. It suits him. He's perfect.

Namjoon. Namjoon. Namjoon. Namjoon. Namjoon. Namjoon.

"Hello! I'm Jin hyung's classmate. We have astronomy class together," Namjoon held out his hands.

That made Hoseok snap out from his somewhat a little-bit-disturbing-if-you-say-it-out-loud thoughts. Receives the awaiting hand and highkey anticipating the little skinship. As expected, Namjoon's hands is what he anticipated and maybe more. It's unquestionably soft and looking at it now, their hands fit each other so well. Even though Namjoon's fingers are a tad bit longer than Hoseok's, he doesn't mind. He's perfect.

He's definitely not gonna wash his hands tonight...and for the following days.

"I'm Hoseok. Jin's only friend besides you." Hoseok shook both their hands lightly. The two of them giggling at his remark.

"That's so not true. We both know I'm your only friend who can keep up with you." Seokjin shoves him on the shoulder lightly, earning a graceful laugh from Namjoon. Hoseok is now officially whipped with Namjoon. God, his dimples is a sin...or a blessing, whichever comes first. Hoseok has been blessed and he thanks whatever kind of higher entity that made him witness Namjoon's dimples in all its glory.

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