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Jimin likes sex, and that's what makes him hate it so much. He shouldn't like it, in his line of work liking it is akin to liking rape.

Because that's what sex is in his line of work.

So, Jimin shouldn't like it, but he does. Not the kind where people come in and take what they want from him, where they bend his body so that it belongs to them. He likes the kind where they're afraid. Where they don't know if what they're doing is right.

He likes the virgins. Mostly because the virgins make mistakes, and because they never last long. There's often a sort of innocence to them, a kind that Jimin never had, a kind that makes Jimin want to give them a good first time.

He doesn't get them a lot, because he's a highly demanded prostitute, but he always considers it a treat when they turn up in his schedule. Sometimes because their innocence, sometimes because they see him as a person, and sometimes because they're in such a rush to leave that they forget to bring something.

Usually it's just socks, a lighter, a pencil, something else unimportant. Sometimes he gets mirrors, makeup, jewelry. When he's lucky he gets a credit card, a backpack, a purse. If it's something inconsequential he'll keep it, but Jimin likes breaking out so he'll use the good stuff as an excuse to leave. Not that he actually asks for permission, but once he gets back and is in trouble it's nice to have validation.

They say that he likes to leave too much, his owner will look down on him and say, "What's out there in the world but drugs and pedophiles, Azure?", as if Jimin hasn't had experience with both. He likes sunshine too much, and they can never keep him locked up, so instead they just made sure to always know here he is.

There's a tracker on his arm, deep enough that it's almost imperceptible, his clients certainly never notice it. His owner likes to pet his head and coo at him when he sees Jimin staring at his forearm. "It's for your protection, Azure." He'll say in that wheedling voice of his, "We can't have you in danger."

Jimin just stays silent. Every time, he just stays silent.

But now he doesn't have to anymore. Jimin likes virgins because they leave things behind, and this time the boy with the too big clothes left him a switchblade. Probably on accident, it's always on accident. Once his parents find out- or his gang, Jimin doesn't know -he'll probably be in trouble.

Jimin hurts for the boy, he feels his pain, but he can't give this back. It's worth too much. It's his only chance at freedom. So as he gets dressed in the dim light of his room he tucks the knife into his shoe, not wanting anyone to take it away. Maybe he's being too cautious, as he's walked out of plenty of times with peoples belongings, but he can't take the chance that some guard will notice and take it away.

As Jimin exits the room and walks down the stairs he adjusts his step as much as he can so that the discomfort he shows looks like its coming from is butt and not his foot. He stops at the bottom of the steps and watches for a moment.

His owner, and the owner of the brothel, is sitting at one of the tables, flirting with one of the female prostitutes, Sage. Jimin takes this to mean the old man won't notice him and walks over to the bar.

"Hello Fuschia."

"Hi Azure. Have a rough night?" She smirks a little.

Jimin settles himself onto a bar stool with a fake wince. "Not enough lube."

"Ah," She chuckles lightly and turns around. Jimin watches as she pours a coke into one of her margarita glasses and drops a mini umbrella into it. She slides it across the counter with a wink. "You look like you need a drink."

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