Ch. 1 Sorted Several Years Late

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(Natasha/Ashley's POV)
I sucked air into my body as my eyes widened. I wasn't ready yet but I put one foot forward followed by another as I made my way closer to Mcgonagall. My hands shook as I sat onto the stool. The hat touched my head before it began to speak in my head.

"A Dumbledore you say?" The hat muttered cause confusion to fill me. "So much like your parents and so much power. I know where you belong Slytherin but unfortunately you must be placed in Gryffindor!" My jaw dropped seconds before my father stepped toward me. He smiled at me before he motioned for me to head to the Gryffindor table. I sat down beside Harry as the rest of the sorting drifted slowly by.

"Ashley," Harry said drawing my attention away from the last few students getting sorted.

"Yes Harry?" I asked softly.

"Why do you look so distant?" He asked me as I sighed.

"It's nothing Harry," I murmured hiding the continuous stream of thoughts floating through my mind. Why was I like my parents? They are both Gryffindor through and through yet that wanted to place me in Slytherin. I glanced around the hall my eyes lingering on a blond Slytherin boy whose eyes also seemed to find mine. There was something familiar about him but I ignored the feeling as the feast materialized on the table. I piled the chicken on my plate and took a sip of pumpkin juice. I ate slowly and cleanly while Ron stuffed his face messily. Once I finished my food Fawkes landed beside me with a letter from my father.

Dear Ashley,
Please come to my office after dinner. You already know my favorite sweet so you shouldn't have a problem. Congratulations on getting into Gryffindor I'll see you soon.
Your Father,
Albus Dumbledore

He wanted to see me after dinner in his office. My brows pinched together as a second wave of confusion filled me but once again I pushed past the unease that continued to grow inside me. The moment I finished eating I got to my feet walking through the hallways of the castle and to my father's office.

"Sherbet Lemon," I said as the staircase spun up allowing me access to my father's office. I didn't bother knocking before I just walked straight into his office. Fawkes was waiting for me. I gave the bird a smile as I flopped into a chair to wait for my father. I didn't have to sit there long before my father stepped into the office followed by Professor Mcgonagall.

"Ashley," Minerva said as I got to my feet.

"We have brought you here because I have a job for you Ashley," my father cut in. "I need you to watch Harry for me since the Triwizard tournament is coming here to Hogwarts this year."

"Of course but I don't think you need to as anyone under 17 can't complete," I said simply.

"Naturally you know that I'm still concerned for his safety," my father said as I nodded.

"I promise I'll watch out for him," I said firmly. "Was there anything else?"

"Yes. I have brought in professor Moody as Defense against the dark arts. I expect you to assist him if he asks you to," my father said. Irritation rushed through me but I quickly masked my displeasure nodding in agreement. How much more is he going to ask of me?

"May I go now?" I asked politely as he nodded. Just as I was about to leave his office he called to me.

"Oh and congratulations on Gryffindor," he said as I forced a smile at him before leaving the office. I should go back to the dorms but instead I found myself in the astronomy tower looking out across the grounds. I grew up here inside this castle and yet it never felt like home the only place I ever felt any peace was the astronomy tower. I wanted to make my father proud but he never was. I felt inadequate around him but I still found myself trying to be everything he wanted of me.

"Dumbledore," a voice called out to me. I spun around to see the blond boy from the great hall.

"Yes?" I asked as he walked toward me.

"Shouldn't you be with Potter?" He asked spitting out Harry's name with disgust.

"I needed sometime to think mr..." I trailed off.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," he said as my smile faded. My father wouldn't like to see me speaking with a Malfoy.

"I should probably go," I said taking off passed Malfoy. He didn't make a move to stop me as I fled through the halls. I made it to the dorms quickly and surprisingly the Fat Lady just let me inside without the password. I walked up the girls staircase locating my dorm. I was sharing a room with Hermione a few other girls I didn't know. I sat on the bed lazily before pulling out a random book to read. I lay back as I flipped through the book before I found my eyes blurring. I shut the book deciding to slip into my pajamas. I curled up on the mattress shutting my eyes. The last thing I remember thinking about was a pair of dark eyes looking at me with love before I drifted off to sleep.

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