The Billionaire's Daughter

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Read my new story guyseu!

Here's the link:


Im so used to people whispering about me

Im so used to people staring and looking at me

"woah shes so hot"

"shes beautiful"

"she's freaking gorgeous"

"shes so pretty!"

" she's the queen of this school"

"i wanna be friends with her"

"just look at her how can she be so cute and pretty at the same time? "

"what's her name?"

"she's Hannah Daeriel"

"i watch her last interview with leera santos she's so smart and talented"

"who is she? "

Umangat ang labi ko dahil sa narinig

Who am i, you ask?

Im Hannah Daeriel Valeria and im The Billionaire's Daughter

time checked:9:21PM

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