Chapter 9

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     The  drive back to the house is unusually quiet. No one bothered to speak up nor make some jokes.

     Ilhoon is seated between Sungjae and Peniel at the farthest end of the car.  He took out his MP3 to listen to some music. And just as his luck for today turns out, his battery is empty.

      Sungjae sees what happened and went through his backpack to give Ilhoon his power bank.  "Here, hyung." he whispered out.

     "Thanks" Ilhoon whispered back gratefully.

      When they reached the house, Ilhoon is the last to step out of the car, hoping that his parents would go inside first. But as soon as he was out, a firm hand grabbed his jacket's collar. He looked around and he sees that it is his Appa who is dragging him inside. 

      He began to get scared. His father rarely gets angry.

      "Oppa!" Minjoo stepped in front of them. But Eunkwang did not listen and pushed the other kids out of their way.

      "Eomma!" Ilhoon turned to his mother for help.

      "Oppa! Stop!" She tries once again. She is almost running to catch up with Eunkwang who is pushing Ilhoon to the direction of the boy's toilet. She then desperately grabbed her husband's arm.

     "No!" Eunkwang shrugged Minjoo's arm away. " I want a word with this brat!"

     "Oppa, you are angry. Have this talk with Hoonie when you are not mad anymore." She does not want any of her kids to get hurt. But still, Eunkwang continued on his way. When they reached the toilet, Eunkwang pushed Ilhoon inside roughly. He entered and locked the door.

      Minjoo paced around nervously while the other kids are looking at her in horror.

      In what seemed to be like an eternity for Minjoo, the door of the toilet opened. She rushed inside to check on Ilhoon while Eunkwang stepped outside.

      "Boys!" He addressed his other kids. " let this be a warning to all of you. You better not play with other people's emotions. Your mother and I tried our best to raise all of you well. We send you to the best schools so you all would learn good values as well!

      If ever i hear anyone of you, playing around. You better prepare yourselves to face the consequence. You hear me?!"

                       ***  ***  ***

     "Hello, everyone!" Peniel said to his camera. "Today, I'm out with Changsub, Hyung." Hearing his name, Changsub gave a wave while sipping his coffee. "I just got my head shaved again. People asked why?" Peniel paused to think.  "I ain't ever gonna have a bad hair day, huh? Unlike you guys. Isn't it obvious?" Peniel smirked. " Uhmmmm... we will be going to a tattoo shop. Oh no! Nope! Not me."

     After a few hours, Peniel sees Changsub walked out of the room. "Hyung!" Peniel rushed out to him. "Let me see." Peniel asked excitedly. Changsub rolled over his sleeves so his younger brother could see it.  "Wicked!" Peniel exclaimed.

     When they got home, Peniel and Changsub  walked in on Minjoo who is busy preparing their dinner. But then she stopped. 

     "Subie! Wait!" Changsub stopped. "Come here!" Minjoo instructed.  "What is that?"

      "What is what?" Changsub looked around him.

      "That!" Minjoo pointed to his arm

     Changsub turned to Peniel. "Nothing." He forgot to roll back his sleeves earlier when Peniel wanted to see his new tattoo. Now his Eomma  have clearly seen it too.

      "Show me."

      Changsub made a step back and hid his arm behind his back.

                  ___   ____   ____

    Changsub entered the room, almost in tears. His cheek with a red hand mark.

     "Hyung! Are you okay?" Changsub had earned himself a good scolding from their Eomma because of his tattoo.

     "I'm fine." Changsub walked over to his bed and lied down. " Wanna sleep beside me tonight? I lost my teddy bear." Changsub joked, trying to look pitiful. Peniel made a face in disagreement. "Seriously, I need a hug. Eomma just gave me  a new tattoo right here." He pointed to his left cheek. "That is one hell of a slap."

      Peniel could not help but laugh out loud. He neared his Hyung to examine his bruised cheek closely. "That must have hurt bad."

      "It really hurts so much, dongsaeng!  You wanna give it a kiss to make it feel better?" Changsub made a face.

      "Want me to call Eomma so that you will have another one in the right cheek?" Peniel teased him. "Just to balance things, Hyung." Changsub frowned. " Feel better, hyung!"

                        ***  *** ***

     Sungjae burst into Changsub and Peniel's room.

      Changsub is about to say a sarcastic remark towards his youngest brother but stopped himself when he realized that he is crying.

     "Okay. Wanna tell me anything?" 

      "Nana broke up with me." Sungjae said in between sobs.

      Changsub felt bad. He does not want to see his younger brothers getting hurt. He remembered his first heartbreak. It took a while for him to get back on track. He does not want Sungjae to be like him.

      He decided to take Sungjae out for a drive to make him cool down for a bit. On the way, they stopped over a convenience store and bought him some yogurts and jellies. Sungjae's favorite treats.  They eat the snacks in silence.

     After eating, Changsub allowed Sungjae to cry whom he knew is holding back his tears. He reached out for his youngest brother to give him a hug. "It's alright, Sungjae-ah!  Everything will be alright." he assured him.

                             ***   ****   ****

        Eunkwang have a surprise for Minjoo. When he got home, he went straight up to her. "Honey, we need to pack!" He put up a straight face and tried to look sad. "We have to leave this house."

       "What?" Minjoo began to get scared. "Where are we gonna live?" They have been staying here for 15 years already.

      Eunkwang could not help control his excitement and showed Minjoo a picture of a much bigger house with a pool. " It's a bigger house with a much bigger space for the kids."

      Minjoo stared at the picture in amazement. She looked at her husband ,back to the picture and then back to her husband. "You got us a new house?"

      "Yes. It's about time."

      "I can't believe it!" Minjoo hugged him happily. Eunkwang hugged her back and laughed.

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