Chapter 2

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       The next day, Minjoo and Eunkwang decided to clean the room which the three youngest sons have been sharing. All of their sons are out of the house.

       "Oppa, what happend to Peuni's bed?" Minjoo asked in disbelief, stopping at the first bed.

       Eunkwang stepped inside the room. But he tripped over something and fell face down the floor.  " What the...!" he wanted to curse out loud but stopped himself.

       Minjoo turned around to help her husband.  "Are you okay?"

       He stood up and grabbed a jacket down in the floor.  "That!" He pointed to a pair of jeans down in the floor. "Could end the life of me." he kicked the jeans in anger.

       Minjoo grabbed the jacket from her husband's hand, noticing that it belongs to Sungjae. She opened the youngest' closet to place the jacket inside. She almost screamed in the process when all the clothes came tumbling down from inside of the cabinet to her. "I could not believe these kids!" she said in exasperation.  She turned her attention to Peniel's bed again. "Look at Peuni's bed, Oppa. Tell me? How can he sleep in that mess?" There are a lot of things atop the bed: cameras, laptop, books, plushies and loads of blankets.

       She tried getting as much clothes that fell down from Sungjae's cabinet so she could transfer it to Peniel's cabinet. But she stopped and tried to gather her senses when she sees what is inside.  Blood pressure starting to rise up.  "Is this a fridge or a cabinet!" she said, more of a statement than a question. Peniel's cabinet is full of candies, chocolates and snacks.  There is even a mango fruit inside.  

       She dropped  Sungjae's clothes down the floor in frustration.  "You tell those kids of yours to clean this room. Otherwise, they will be grounded for life!"

       Eunkwang snickered. "You honestly think that they could clean up these mess?"

       So Eunkwang and Minjoo did the cleaning themselves and arranged some things along with the occupants of the room. Peniel is now roommates with Changsub. Hyunsik with Ilhoon while Sungjae will take the guest room.

       Peniel is the second to arrive just before dinner. He immediately went to his old room to freshen up. "Eomma!" he shouted.

       "Peuni!" Minjoo rushed to Peniel. "What happened?" she asked, worried.

       "My things. They are gone. My camera! My lappy! My.... food!"

       Minjoo looked at him and tried to keep a straight face.  " I moved you with Subie."

       "Seriously?" Peniel could not believe it.  "That head kissing monster?"

       "It's not that bad, Peuni." Minjoo said in a tone that Peniel is most scared of.  

       Peniel knew better than to argue with his mother.  So he proceeded to his new room. He hesitantly opened the door and peeked in. He sees Changsub lying down in bed.

       "We are roommates now, huh?"  Changsub looked up. Peniel entered the room and went to the other bed, previously occupied by Hyunsik.  "You can place your gadgets there." Changsub pointed to a corner of the room which used to be where Hyunsik's musical instruments where. He gave Peniel space for a working area.

       When Hyunsik got home, he went straight to his old room and is surprised to see Peniel occupying his bed. "You! Out!"  he ordered.

       "No! You are going out!" Changsub said with a dry laugh.  He then explained that his new room is with Ilhoon.  Somehow, he kind of like this new arrangement. There would be less arguments with Hyunsik now.

       Ilhoon is busy making a song with his back to the door so that he did not notice Hyunsik entering the room and listening to his song. "Dongsaeng!  You are amazing." 

       Ilhoon almost jumped out of the chair. "Hyung! You scared the life out of me." 

       Hyunsik laughed. " You need to straighten up a bit ." Hyunsik advised. 

       It is Minjoo's plan to let one older brother look after one younger brother so she made them switched their rooms. Only Sungjae is left to have the room all to himself since the other four would complain about how loud he snores.

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