Chapter 5

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     Chorong is a pretty and smart girl that goes to the same University as Changsub and Hyunsik.  She prefers to wear  casual outfits instead of sophisticated ones. She is is shy but has a friendly personality that Changsub likes. But despite being all too girly, she practices Hapkido and enjoys watching action movies. 

     Changsub enjoys her company and spends as much time with her whenever he is free.  His friend Dongwoon, who knows that Changsub likes Chorong more than just a friend encourages him to express his feelings towards her.

       This particular day, Changsub finally decided to do just that. He dialed Chorong's number and waited patiently for her to answer his call. 

       Just as Chorong picked up his call, Minjoo unintentionally picked-up the extension phone in the kitchen and automatically had it on the loud speaker mode so that the conversation could be heard loud and clear while she is in the kitchen preparing their meals.

       "Chorongi-ie!" Changsub's voice filled the kitchen. Both Eunkwang and Minjoo looked at each other.  "Would you like to go to the movies with me?" Minjoo and Eunkwang exchanged glances. Minjoo is about to cut off the speaker phone to give Changsub some privacy but Eunkwang stopped her. He wanted to know the real status of his son's relationship with Chorong.

       "Oppa, why are you suddenly asking me out? You have a lot of other girls." 

        Minjoo's eyes grew big when she heard what Chorong said.

         "But..." Changsub is about to explain.

         "Oppa, do you like me?" Chorong  asked in a rush.

        Minjoo reached out for Eunkwang's hand, gripping it hard, making her husband wince in pain.

       Meanwhile, Changsub's mind went blank. Of course, he likes her. Isn't it obvious with all the little things that he has done for her? " Yes." Changsub finally said from under his breath.

       Minjoo clasped a hand to Eunkwang's mouth to stop himself from reacting loudly. They might be heard by Chorong and Changsub. She then gently cut off the speaker phone before making Eunkwang speak.

       But before Eunkwang could mutter a word, Sungjae barged in the kitchen with a girl following him closely behind.

       "Eomma! Appa! I want you to meet my beautiful girlfriend, Nana." Sungjae said excitedly.

       All that Eunkwang and Minjoo could do is stare with their mouths open. Both of them were caught off-guard. They have just gotten to accept the reality that their eldest son has finally  asked a girl that he likes out on a date  and now their youngest son who is just fifteen years old just brought his girlfriend to meet them at their house.

       "Hello." Nana gave out a smile and bowed politely.

       Minjoo is brought back to her senses. She studied Nana over.   She is really pretty. She looked like a model from a fashion magazine come to life.  But she seems to be a few years older than her son. 

      "Please join us for dinner." Minjoo  said out to her. She wants to know more about the pretty, statuesque girlfriend of Sungjae.

       Ilhoon came in the kitchen and went to the fridge to get some water.

       "Hyung!" Sungjae said. "Meet Nana, my...." 

        "Your stylist that did a bad job in choosing your clothes." Ilhoon finished for him. He could remember seeing her in one of Sungjae's photoshoots particularly that day when they drove Peniel to the airport.

       "She is not my stylist, hyung. She is a make-up artist. She is not even my make-up artist! She is a model." Sungjae frowned.

        Minjoo shot Ilhoon a warning glance.

       "Whatever!" Ilhoon walked out from the kitchen.

                                       ______            ________            _______

        Ilhoon's phone beeped.  He reached over for it on his night table beside his bed. It is a good night message from Bomi. He sent her a goodnight message back and placed his mobile phone back at the night table. In doing so, he noticed that Hyunsik's bed is empty. He glanced at the clock hanging against the wall. It is getting late. Where could his Hyung be? Is he out with his bestfriends V and Jonghyun?

      The last time he saw Hyunsik earlier in the day was in the music area in the basement of their house.  He decided to go to check the room to see if Hyunsik is still working on making a new song.

      He opened the door but it is locked.  "Sikie, hyung!" he knocked against the door. "Are you there?" he leaned against it to listen for any sounds behind the door. But there is nothing. All is quiet.  "Hyung!" he tried knocking once again but there is still no response.

      Worried, he went back up and went to Changsub and Peniel's room for help. He knew that Changsub has  a spare key.

       "Hyung." He walked over to Changsub and shook his shoulder gently, careful not to disturb Peniel on the other side of the room.

       "What?" Changsub snapped at Ilhoon. He hates to be disturbed when he is sleeping.

       "Can i borrow your key to the music area?" Ilhoon whispered out.

       "Hoonie! Do you know what time it is? Do it tomorrow." Changsub grabbed a pillow and placed it over his head hoping or Ilhoon to go away. But Ilhoon grabbed the pillow.


     "Hoonie! Your song can wait for tomorrow. Go to bed!' Changsub glared at his younger brother who is being hard headed again.

       "Please." Ilhoon begged.

       "Why don't you listen to me? I'm your hyung! When I say go back to bed you do as i say." Changsub is loosing his temper now.

       "Okay. But just let me borrow the key first. I have forgotten something and it might be there. It really can't wait for tomorrow. I won't take long. I promised to go to bed right after."

      "Aish!" Changsub gave out a curse and pointed to his dresser.  "It's in there. And who is that stupid who locked the music area in the first place?"

       "It must have been me." Ilhoon lied. "I'm sorry." He then took the key and went back to the basement. He inserted the key and quickly opened the door, half scared of what he might see.

       He sees Hyunsik sprawled against the piano.   "What is this?" Seeing Hyunsik sleeping on the piano is a common sight. The unusual thing is that there are lot of empty beer bottles around him.

MINKWANG: Growing upDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora