I'm Pregnant With...

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-Neo's POV-

Its been a week since Gavin found out Kharlia was my mate.

I kept a constant eye on Kharlia, making sure to be with her all the time. To make it worse, I was just a little too concerned, with her being pregnant. Every time she said her stomach hurt, every time she complained about feeling the baby move, anything, I'd flip out. I'm worried. What if something goes wrong? What if she has a miscarriage? What if its hurting Kharlia?

The door to my office opened, snapping me out of my thoughts. Slowly, a slightly swollen Kharlia came in, a smile on her face. Today was the day.

I'll know whether I'm a father of a boy or a girl. Either one is fine with me. I don't care either way. But I know Kharlia would die to have a baby girl. With that grin of hers, I'm guessing she's having a girl.

"So..." I urged.

Kharlia zoomed over to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"Twins!" She said happily. "I get my girl, you get your heir to Alpha."

I smiled at her. No wonder she was so happy. We both got what we wanted.

"Have you decided on names?" I asked her.

She frowned at me. "You pick the boy's name. I got to name Ashton, and I know what I'm naming the girl."

I pecked her lips. "And what name did you pick?"

She grinned giddily. "Lilium Dawn." She paused. "Of course, Dawn is her middle name."

I smiled, breaking away. "That's a wonderful name, babe." I told her.

Lilium. Beautiful, but not common. With Lily as the nickname.

"You're not just saying that, right?" Kharlia crossed her arms.

I shook my head. "I mean it. Come on, I'm pretty sure Yasmina wants to know. She's been going on and on about how she's going to be the aunt. She'll be thrilled to know its twins."

With that, Kharlia and I walked out, a grin on Kharlia's face.

-Gavin's POV-

It took me almost the whole week to realize Kharlia's stomach was swollen. She had put on some weight. But, I've heard that rejected females usually become depressed. Maybe food was what helped her.

That's what I thought until now. I was in the living room with Yasmina, William's mate, William, and some beta from Gray pack, named Jett. When Kharlia came zooming downstairs, a grin on her face, Yasmina jumped up, running to meet her.

"You find out? So, is it a-"

"Twins." Kharlia interrupted Yasmina.

"And the gender of them?" Yasmina folded her arms expectantly.

"Boy and girl." Was Kharlia's answer.

Yasmina squealed, hugging Kharlia. What were they talking about?

"I can't believe you're having twins! Come on, I've got something for you." Yasmina started dragging Kharlia away.

I froze, my eyes turning a pale gold. Kharlia was knocked up?! When Neo came downstairs, I pinned him to a wall, growling. I heard the guys jumping up.

"Get him away from here!" William said.

Jett and William pulled me back, as my wolf tried to claw and scratch at Neo.

"Let go!" Quake growled. "Let me kill him! I'm gonna kill him!"

Neo narrowed his eyes. "You just realized that Kharlia's knocked up? Wow, you are slow. No wonder Kharlia doesn't want you, friend or otherwise."

That made Quake snap. He shook Jett and William off, rushing forward and clawing at Neo's face. A line of blood appeared, Quake ready to do more damage, when someone spoke up.

"Gavin! Stop it right now, or I swear to fucking god I will throw you out of this pack, and warn every other pack about you. You'll be alone forever."

It was Kharlia, and she was pissed.

-Kharlia's POV-

I walked into the living room, to see Gavin attacking Neo. I was pissed. I leave for two fucking minutes, and they're at each other's necks.

"Gavin! Stop it right now, or I swear to fucking god I will throw you out of this pack, and warn every other pack about you. You'll be alone forever." I growled, my eyes turning copper.

Hasn't Gavin done enough damage in my life already? I know why he's angry. Its most likely because I'm knocked up. Gavin tensed up, before looking at me, his eyes going back to a chocolate brown.

Before I could say anything, Gavin took off running. William ran after him, but Jett stayed, staring at Neo.

"I'm fine, Khar. I knew he wouldn't do serious damage. It would kill you if anything happened to me." Neo replied, touching his bloodied cheek. I rushed over to the paper towels, grabbing some.

"Sit." I ordered. Neo plunked down on a kitchen stool, as I cleaned his cheek. Once the bleeding stopped, I saw that the wound wasn't as bad as I thought.

"I wish Gavin would just leave me alone, and go find some girl that actually wants him." I muttered.

Neo nodded. "We should go take Ash to the park. He's been all alone in the house since Blood Pack came. I'll be fine. Gavin will cool off."

I nodded, slowly making my way up the stairs with Neo. When we reached Ashton's room, we heard him talking.

"And this is Black Widow. She's a spy, and she super fast. Whose your favorite super hero?" Ashton was saying.

"I like Hawk-eye, Ashy. I promise you, I'll get you some new superheroes later, okay?" Gavin's voice reached us.

I froze. How did he get in Ashton's room?

"Okay Uncle Gavin!" Ashton said.

Before Gavin's voice could reach us again, Neo opened the door.


Okay, so this is a sudden ending, I know, but I promise, I'll upload soon.

So, officially, it is twins. Wow, all of you who said twins boy and girl are smart. I had that planned before you said anything.

So, I decided on the baby girl's name already:

Lilium Dawn Gray (Lily Dawn)


If you have any suggestions for a boy's name, feel free to comment with it.

Who knows, maybe I'll pick that name. And the more comments I get, the more likely I'll use a name from a comment.

So, I have one more question:

Why do you think Gavin was in Ashton's room?

Picture of Gavin On The Side.

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