This is Halloween- Bonus Chapter

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"GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE OR WE'LL BE LATE YOU TWAT!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

It had been several months since we officially started dating and I couldn't be happier. My life feels so complete now.
"Jesus. We're gonna be early if you keep rushing me, Howell"

He came down the stairs in his vampire coustume, blood dripping down his lip. His cute little quiff up in the air.
"You look handsome, blood sucker" I teased him, kissing his cheek.

He'd gotten his hair down last week and he looked fantastic.

"Well my little devil, you look about as handsome as you always do" He said grabbing my hand, twirling me around before dipping me to kiss.

So much as changed since I woke up. Jake was sent to jail for attempted murder and domestic abuse. PJ and Chris finally had their dream wedding. Well Phil and I moved to a cute old house in the less populated areas.

My thoughts were interrupted by little tapping on the wood floors and an excited little pupper trying to claw his way up my leg.

"Hello big boy" I said while picking him up. He licked my face before trying to jump over to Phil.
"So glad we got up, he's such a sweetheart" I petted his little head while he almost soaked Phil in dog slobber.

"Okay, Waffles. We'll be back soon baby. We promise" Phil said as he put him down scruffing up his head.

We left the house to head to a Halloween party, Chris and PJ were hosting.
"Time for the spooks, Howell"
"You know it, Lester"

I was obviously dressed as a devil and Phil was a blood sucking vampire of course.

We got into the taxi waiting and headed the way to the main city.

"It's so weird... after all that happened. With Jake. The accident. My dream. It's almost like we've been to hell and back. We're back. Dan and Phil. The duo" I sighed and looked out the window.
"Yeah. I stopped making videos. They weren't fun without you. It's almost been a full year without any uploads. We've been through a lot, ya know. I missed you so much. I never wanna let go" he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

We went back to silence the rest of the way till the driver informed us we were here.


I hated seeing Dan like this. It would happen every now and then when he realises he wasn't here for so long. Heck. Even I feel gross thinking about Jake and Dan almost dying.

We walked to the bar where they were holding the party. It had already started. Drunk people forming everywhere. I was afraid it would be too much.

I could see Dan noticed my uneasiness because he gave my hand a squeeze before we walked in.

"MY TWO FAVOURITE GAYS. I'm so fucking glad you could make it you two. I've been looking forward to seeing you two back at the ol' Dan and Phil trouble" Chris seemed a little drunk. Which was an understatement.

"Good to see you too Chris" Dan chirped in, grabbing my hand again before we got to the real center of the party.

People dancing and singing along. Drinks going round everywhere. 

I could feel myself start to panic a little, but I brushed it off. Dan dragged me to the bar.

"We're gonna need a little more than a sippy if we're gonna get through this" He laughed a little. Probably as nervous. I rejected the drink, but he downed 4 shots and was ready to go to the dance floor.

This wasn't going to go well...

It was about 10pm when I last checked my phone. I had one bottle of beer and Dan had more than a dozen shots, 5 beers, 3 vodka mixes and a whiskey taster.

"Yoou knuw Philip, I-I usse to be sOoo afrai-hic- of telllin you I waaas a gay-hic- that I almost killed myself a few yeeears back -hic" Dan held onto the bar looking me barely in the eyes.
"What." I was... I don't even know. I felt a sharp pain in my heart. Jesus. I was a bad friend. Why is he telling me this now? I felt myself getting lost in my thoughts, zoning out as if the party wasn't enough.

"W-We need to leave" I finally said after gathering up some courage.
"Cooome oN -hic- we're havingg so mUch fun" He slurred as he sat down next to me.

In a way he was right. We laughing and dancing, but I'm not into this. Neither is he. He's drunk out of his mind. I need to get him home.

"WHAT IS IT???" He shouted back over the loud music.

I grabbed Dan and we were off.
"Why didn't you tell me? We're best friends. I don't understand why you didn't tell me. When was this? Goddammit I'm a terrible person." I paced as we waited for the taxi.
"Philll, shhh, I-I would've told you -hic- b-but it was soo hard bacK then. I'm s-sorry -hic-" He slurred his words along the busy road as he grabbed my sleeve pulling me down. He leaned his head into my chest and I just cuddled him up.

We got home to an excited little Waffles ready to sleep. I helped Dan up to our room and tucked him in. He was out like a light and I went to sit on my laptop. Posting a tweet.

"I'm sorry guys. We're alive. New video on AmazingPhil next week Tuesday." I posted it and watched the internet blow up before me.

We were a Twitter moment.

'Dan and Phil, are they back?'

Welp. I just broke the internet.

I climbed into bed next to Dan. Waffles snoring his pupper dream by our feet. Looking at the time.


That was one hell of a Halloween.  I drifted to sleep as I watched Dan's chest slowly rise and fall. His curly locks messy as usually. It was normal...

~word count 1027~

Well it's not exactly Halloween now, but I thought this could use a bonus chapter. Plus it was fun. So happy late halloween spookers.
-Dani <3

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