Part 50

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I closely watched the time. Any minute now the limo would arrive. Then we'd go out on our... date.
"DAN!!" I heard Phil shout from upsides.
"WEL YOU HAVE A LOT OF BLACK JEANS AND HURRY UP. OUR RIDE IS GONNA BE HERE ANY MOMENT" I shouted and waiting impatiently for him to finally arrive in a neatly ironed shirt, those goddamn black and a beautiful smile to complete the whole ordeal. I smiled brightly at him and blushed a little, he look so heavenly compared to me. Like an angel in the heavens. My angel.
"Dan? You ready? You keep zoning out"
"Oh-um-sorry. Let's get going, the ride should be here now" I rubbed he back of my neck as we stepped outside. I had decided to one up Phil with his limo, pure white limo had pulled up with beautiful roses on the door handles and a gold rose perched at the front sitting on the hood of the beautiful vehicle.
"Oh. My. Dan, you didn't have to" He looked flustered. Not knowing what to say. I let out a sort of stiffened laugh as we got in. The interior of the limo was just as white as the outside, all except the jet black seats.
The limo driver drove us to the place of my choice.
"Close your eyes and let me blindfold you" I said and without any consent turned him, back toward me blindfolding him.
"No weird stuff while I can't see" He huffed and he felt around, I poked his sides and he jumped.
"I said no, come on" He whined a little and I laughed. I'd probably get pay back, but I just wanted to sit down now.

I led him on the path toward the table set for two in candle light, white roses set on the table with matching everything to center around them. I had gotten Chris to finish everything while I got Phil ready.
"And here we are" I proceeded to take the blindfold off to see Phil's eyes sparkle as he took a short breath in before exhaling in astonishment. I could see that his breath was taken away as he looked at the curtain fairy lights hanging. I was happy. In that moment I had look back at all of what really happened.

A failed date, a friend betraying me, I almost got killed, Phil had died in my dream, Pj tried to murder me, my family abandoned me, for me to be thrown off a building, but all seemed to be a dream and for my real dreams to be shattered till this moment right now as I stared at Phil's blue eyes sparkle with wonder, joy and... and... happiness. It felt like my world had been complete.

I couldn't help, but smile. I wasn't smiling because of drugs or because I wanted everyone around to be happy, but because I could feel myself with my best friend. For him to look like he does in the beautiful starry sky and fairy lights. I sighed and he looked back at me.
"We gonna sit or what?"
I responded with a nod and we sat down.
"Help yourself Phil. All stuff I know you love" I smiled at him and he looked as if he was going to explode. I laughed a little, it was a little weird at first. I wasn't sure why, but when we started taking it wasn't so bad. He laughed and I smiled along as we talked about what ever. Video ideas, video games, theories, politics and just anything.

I loved seeing him like this. So happy and bubbly. He had been acting so nervous and I understand why. He called what we were having... a date... Which got me thinking a little, are we on a date?

It was nearing the end of this lovely evening and we had finished up. We were having a dessert and it had suddenly gotten quiet. It had been such an amazing evening. I think both of us didn't want it to end. As I stared at my ice cream, Phil said something U would've never expected.
"It doesn't have to end here, you know?


I decided to wear my heart on my sleeve and come out with the truth.
"It doesn't have to end here, you know?" I said quietly and he looked at me with confusion.
"We don't need to stay like this... like friends." I was completely serious. I had fallen in love with my beat friend from almost the first time we had even encountered all those years ago. He was my best friend, the worst thing is that he says no.
"Dan, is this not obvious enough. I'm in love with you, madly in love. I used Jake to distract me from the fact that I was sure I'd never see your face or hear your voice. I... I love you more than anything and... and I WANT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU" At this point I was standing up and so was Dan. He looked at me and we both moved towards each other.
"I just need you to tell me, do you love me too?" I looked at him and he smiled, I saw tears starting to run down his face and I used my finger to wipe them off. Touching his face as I did. He nodded over and over again.
"I do. Haha, I love you too" He laughed. I started tearing up too, I had waited so long for this final moment.

He looked at my lips and I looked at his. We closed the gap and went in, our lips felt so perfect for each other. The sweet love venoms flowed through my veins as I felt his lips on mine. Soft and gentle. Loving and Caring. Cherishing and Beautiful. He pulled away and so did I.

"Philip Micheal Lester. I fucking love you"

"Daniel James Howell. I love you too"


You guessed it. This is the end. The last part of this book. I can feel my heart breaking. Thank you to anyone who even looked at my book. I really really appreciate it, this was one of my first phan fics and I couldn't be happier with it.

I've grown through this book and I've learnt what I have thanks to having the junk shite at the beginning to my decent writing now, I couldn't have asked for a better about of views and criticism.
This book was a learning experience. There was some reasonably controversial plot choices that could've been more creative. Sorry about that, but it was an experiment that turned into something I'm proud to call mine.
So thank you c:

I hope you enjoyed this journey as much as I did and I hope that I'll to completing more.

For last question.

'Would you say cheese is better than onions or worse?'

Byyyyye for almost the last time ;)

The Beginning to The End (Some Phan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant