Part 46

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I think it might be time to think about what the plan says.

Step 2: Help Phil realise how bad Jake is and how he deserves better.

I think I can check that off, I smiled at it. Maybe this will work. Now it's Step 3 to work on.

Asking Phil on a date and my big gesture.

I'm sure it'll work, he's gonna break up with Jake. All I could ever want is at my finger tips and it feels good.
I walked out of my room and to Phil's room to wake him up.
"Phil! Wake up! It's time to get some food and start the day!" I realised he wasn't awake because he's usually the one waking me up.
"J-Just, go aaway. I-I don't n-need anyone right now. L-Let me be alone w-with myself" I heard him slur from the other side of the door. Is he drunk?
"Phil? Have you been drinking?"
"W-What does it m-matter. It's n-not like Jake c-c-cares. He left m-me, what i-if you do too" He choked out a bit.
I tried to open the door, but it was locked.
"Phil, please open the door for me"
"N-No. I w-won't let you h-hurt me. I don't w-wanna be hurt a-again"
"I'm not gonna hurt you, just open the door" I tried staying calm and trying to think where the landlord told us the extra keys were.
Then I remembered. I ran to the kitchen cardboard and opened. There at the back was the extra keys. Okay, upstairs storeroom, room 1, front door, front gate, room 2, found it.
"Phil, one more chance to open up the door" I said waiting for a reply, I got none so I opened up the door.
I saw Phil passed out with an empty wine bottle and another half full one.
"You really needed so much Phil. Come on" I went down and picked him up, dragging him to the bed. I put him on the bed and covered him up. I kissed his forehead making him groan with neediness. I wanted go lay next him and hold him while he recovered, but I have a gesture to plan.
"Sleep tight Philly" I said grabbing the two wine bottles and leaving the room.

I sat down at the dining room table and got my laptop out. I started looking through venue upon venue, but then I saw a park, not too far away. It has a gazebo to rent.
I pictured a dinner outside. It was perfect.
Well next is to go check on Chris. I went to my room and opened the door.
"Hey There Chris. Wake up" I went to the bed and shook him a bit. He yawned and looked at me, rubbing his eyes.
"Morning, thanks for letting me sleep here" He said yawning for a second time.
"Well come on, let's go make some breakfast, Phil might take a while to get up"
"Well okay, he'll just miss our yummy breakfast" He got up and looked at his clothes then up at me.
"I don't think I brought clothes" He laughed a little.
"I'll go and get you something. I'm quite sure you'll drown in my clothes. I'll go and get from Phil. He won't mind" I said walking back to Phil's room and getting some clothes for Chris.
I told him that I'll get his washed and it'll be ready in no time.
Chris and I made breakfast and sat on the couch, starting to discuss more of the plan. He really wanted to help, giving me flower ideas to how I should dress to how to get him to say yes.
"Thanks so much Chris, you don't understand how much this means to me, I don't know how to show you my appreciation" I smiled taking a sip of warm coffee.
"You don't have to. You already called Pj for me. You got me home Dan. You don't need to do anything, I'm sure Pj can help as well"
"This is gonna be great. I'm so happy right now" I laughed a little, a tear of joy escaping my eye.
"Leave the tears for the dinner" He laughed with me.
"H-Hey Dan. I'm s-so sorry that I g-got drunk. I just, I didn't k-know what to do and I just h-haven't been myself lately. I just w-want you to know that I care a lot a-about you and anything I said. I d-didn't mean" I saw Phil appear in the hallway, crying.
"Phil. No don't worry. It's okay really. You didn't do anything" I stood up and walked to him. I hugged him and stroked his hair bit. Looking at how soft his black locks where, they were like raven feathers.
"Thanks for h-helping me. I really couldn't have a-asked for a better p-person in my l-life" He said as he clung onto me for dear life.
"It's okay, now let's get you some breakfast and coffee. You must have a big headache by now"


I watched Dan as he warmed up some breakfast. He was so gorgeous. I didn't want to take my eyes off him, who cares about Jake anymore, like Dan said I'm worth more, right?
Dan interrupted my thoughts as he handed me fresh coffee.
"So where's Chris?"
"Well, he went back to his place to wait for Pj to come back. He said he can handle it" He smiled, his dimples clearly visible.
"Oh okay. Well what's for breakfast?" I questioned if it was even was breakfast time.
"Well, it's about lunch" He laughed. His laugh echoed in my head.
Then a realisation occurred and I looked at Dan again. The love of my life has been right in front of me the whole time...

Oooooooooooohhhhhhh. I went THERE. You be shOOk! I just dropped a fucking nuke on you, BOOOOOM! I hope you enjoyed. I sure did become man that was a nice cute chapter. I liked it. If you liked it click that little star in the corner. Kisses!!!

'If you were a fiction writer what would you write, but not like Dan fiction. Like fiction'

For me. I'd write a lot about Magic and things like Harry Potter and stuff.


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