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The bell rang I was late to class.. again.

"Ms.Mishael late again." Mrs.Enfant, my French teacher said not even looking up from her paper. I plopped down at a desk. I picked up a pencil and a notebook and sat finishing the class essay.

"Hey, do you happen to have an extra pencil, I tried asking Mrs.Enfant but she keep yelling at me in French" the new kid, Cohen.

I nodded and pulled out a pencil that was dull, "here, just a tip it's not the best idea to talk to her while she is at her desk." I laughed quietly.

"Note taken" he said smirking.

A few classes later

"Hey, Lana right" Cohen yelled pushing a piece of brown hair out of his face, as he chased me down the hall.

"Hey, Cohen?" I said, jabbing my brain trying to remember his name.

"Yep. That is my name." He sarcastically stated. I shook my head jokingly and hit him in the shoulder. He faked a pained face.

"So how long have you been in Metro City?" I ask assuming he had just moved to town recently.

"Oh I've lived here forever, I got kicked out of Apollyon High when it got re-named" he said rolling his eyes slightly, Apollyon High was re-named fairly recently after Apollyon saved the school from bomb.

"May I ask why?" I smiled, he nodded,

"I'm a criminal, I vandalized something" he said over dramatically.

I laughed, "come sit with me" I said motioning to my lunch table.

He nodded "I am honored"

We talked over our classes find out that the rest of the classes of our day we shared.

For a few moments I thought maybe, maybe he was TGF, but I seemed to forget throughout the day, I introduced him to my friends, knowing he was new.

"So this is Leo, Marley, Toby, Katy, and Dominique" I said pointing to each of my friends.

All of my friends were blonde, well all except my new friend Cohen. They were either born blonde or dyed it blonde because it was so cool to be blonde after Apollyon came into Metro City.

I was a red head, with green eyes... in fact I was one of three redheads in my school, my 2,000 people school.

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