Chapter Twenty Two

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"I..I've been thinking and there's this theory I was questioning and pondering over..sir, if you don't mind me asking, why did you deny he who must not be named the position for defence against the dark arts?" she asked tilting her head in curiosity and crossing her fingers below the desk hoping she'd hear the answer she wanted to because then that would solve her problem. 

"The requirements I looks for in a teacher aren't just based off their competence and ability to teach, they must be able to first and for most love themselves enough to be able to love their subject and the students. They must genuinely care that whatever action they are doing is solely for the students welfare and benefit in some form. That every experience they give a child whether in or out of the classroom will help that child grow and unfortunately Voldemort-"

Mary and Mcgonnagal shuddered at the sound of his name.

"-is the only one who does not possess any of these qualities because his soul is incapable of love. You see, we require a big heart to love. FOR example, if there were a big pizza you'd be able to share it with many people but imagine if you had shredded the pizza and scattered it's remains leaving just a small piece with you, just a tiny crumb. Would you eat it or share it?"

"eat it. of course, it's barely enough to give away"  Mary answered still curious as to where this was leading. 

"exactly. I believe Voldemorts divided his heart and his love too much into external objects and that is why he may be incapable of loving other people. "

" but how could he invest his love or like make pieces of his heart in objects? That doesn't make sense. How would he even tear apart his soul?" 

Dumbledore just smiled gently with a sad twinkle in his eye as he looked away and wouldn't meet my eyes afraid that Mary would learn something extremely dark. 

Mary cleared her throat and spoke again now at the edge of her seat with excitement that she was probably close to the answer, "so anyways, I was wondering wouldn't love be the answer to lift his jinx off? I mean think about it he placed the jinx because of his hatred toward you, no offence, and maybe the way to lift it would be either him dying or by love right? I'm looking for ways to get Remus a job because of my love for him and Remus as you know loves children just as much and will be the perfect influential positive role model the kids need at a time like this. Also, now that we know that there's a spy amongst us in the order and it's pretty bad and all but look at the bright side of things!" 

she paused and looked around if they caught her drift, shook her head and elaborated a bit further, "what I mean is, the spy passing on only half the prophecy that Sybil issued would actually work in our favour. Voldemort thinks that the games in his domain now and he's in charge but little does he know we hold the dice. Now that he knows the prophecy for his doom, it won't be long before he targets the Potters or the Longbottoms and even though they're in hiding right now, the spy will probably find a way to weasel in their location to him and when that happens we know that one of the babies ends up destroying him, I don't know how but hopefully I'm right and when that happens he'll be dead and the jinx will lift off because of that and the job I'll be taking on to increase the love which is babysitting, I've been talking to Mcphee about it as she's been in the business longer than I have." 

"Mary Mary Mary hold up, you're relying too much on the if's. How about we stay in the safe zone than risking too much" Mcgonnagal said as Mary gave a frustrated sigh, "urg okay fine" 

"For the time being I can give him the job of an intern for divination, that will sort out his issue of stress and income. I'll get Severus to brew moonsbane for him and it'll help with his er.. other issue and if all works as you so optimistically envisioned then it is my promise to make the offer for defense against the dark arts position to Remus. Will that be okay? " 

Mary smiled, "perfect, just dandy" 

Mcgonnagal ruffled her hair and smiled, "Have a biscuit Poppins. So proud of you" 

Dumbledore smiled too as Mary bid them goodbye and left for her meeting with McPhee. 

howzzat people? lemme know in the comments what you think will happen. 

oh and also, I added this para cuz it makes sense, see: 

Dumbledore's criteria for choosing: 

"The requirements I looks for in a teacher aren't just based off their competence and ability to teach, they must be able to first and for most love themselves enough to be able to love their subject and the students. They must genuinely care that whatever action they are doing is solely for the students welfare and benefit in some form. That every experience they give a child whether in or out of the classroom will help that child grow and unfortunately Voldemort-"

Now obviously even though Quirrel, Lockhart, Moody, Umbridge or Snape won't be DADA teachers in this book that I'm writing it still applies to them in the real books Rowling wrote in my theory because:

even if Quirrel was a stuttering goof possessed by Voldemort, he still listened to only his heart while teaching and not Voldemort's because even Percy says that he's a good teacher once you look past the nervousness. 

Lockhart: Despite him being a plagiarising git, he gave the students real life duelling experience cuz he initiated and started the club when no other teacher had even thought of the idea. doesn't matter how badly he organised it, what matters is the thought. Also the pixies helped students know that in real life they'll be just as unprepared as that scenario and it taught them a valuable lesson of how to adapt to new scenarios. 

Moody: he was anyways a good teacher pretty obviously cuz Fred and George say it explicitly and he gave Harry's year a clear message to defend themselves "constant vigilance" which helped when the death eaters took over Hogwarts becuz even though it was Barty Jr. he still cared for their education . 

Umbridge: not defending her actions during detentions or any other time but she prolly took a over protective motherly approach and believed she was only protecting them by following fudge's orders and making it strictly theory cuz she prolly believed the "ignorance is bliss" bullshit. either ways she could have been manipulated by Fudge's words. 

Snape: we could obviously see how much Hermione suffered in potions without snapes instructions becuz he had cheat codes the textbook didn't which showed he cared enough to share his personal notes with every batch of students despite all his flaws. 

anyways those are just my views, I have an issue with always seeing the bright side in people or things you are free to disagree with my opinions but if u do just keep them to yourself cuz I aint got the time for starting petty ass arguments. 

Peace out xx


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