Chapter Fifteen

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The boys were overjoyed to see their dear friend as they descended down from James' backyard as soon as they spotted the brown haired silhouette at James' front door. They dashed across the house and in a span of about thirty seconds the door shot open and immediately the two lunged on Remus as they hugged him to the point of him not being able to breathe. 

"..guys... cho..king" he managed in a raspy voice as they let go and he steadied his breathing before coughing once. 

"REMMYY!!!!" They screamed in a mixture of excitement and enthusiasm as they grabbed his bad and ran up to James room before dumping it there. "so.. what's the plan?" Remus asked in curiosity and realized his mistake as Sirius started talking at a tremendous speed with which Remus couldn't keep up and the thick British accent only made it harder on the poor boy. 

"Slow down, one by one Siri" 

"Okay okay.. so first we play quidditch lets go!!" He jumped before dashing off to the backyard and James and Remus sighed at the same time, "JINX" they said at the same time again. 



Then James decided to end the mini feud and said, "First one outside wins" as he ran off leaving Remus hot on his heels. Remus turned red in embarrassment and anger as he fumed but said nothing waiting for James or Sirius to say his name three times, cause it's a triple jinx.

Neither said his name as James informed Sirius and they both snickered after looking at him. The day went on and all three boys were exhausted after three hours of quidditch as they came in for the night. Neither from the duo spoke Remus' name as they now addressed him as, 'oi!' or 'hey you!!' 'yea you, the one looking miserable at the moment' before bursting into a fit of giggles. 

Remus never took any of it to heart because he knew it was all in good fun and soon one of them would trip and spoil the game, but apparently that didn't seem to be happening any time soon. 

However, Remus was more than delighted when James' mother, Euphemia, called upon his name even if it was only to ask if he'd like his taco with cheese or without and to see the boy beaming over such a simple question confused Euphemia to know end as she just looked him like he grew three heads bringing the the other two to another round of laughter as they fell off the sofa making Remus turn a brighter shade of red. 

"Bye Mary.. I'll miss you" Beth said as she clung onto her best friend bidding her a goodbye, perhaps forever. The two surely knew how to be dramatic as their parents watched from afar shaking their heads at the girls' antics. 

Jane had been informed about John's decision first thing in the morning and was in better spirits as she smiled bouncing on her heels to tell Mary. After about fifteen minutes of prying the girls' off each other, the happy family sat in the sedan and drove home. 

Mary shifted her gaze from outside the window as she finally lost sight of a waving Beth and directed her attention to her parents who seemed happy beyond anything and it piqued her interest as to what made them so smiley today.

Finally they reached home and Mary's father went in and rushed out with an object that brought Mary's jaw to drop and form a huge 'O' as she stared in surprise, shock and astonishment. The barn owl looked majestically beautiful in all it's royal honor and was the best gift Mary could ever receive. 

To top it off, it seemed her happiness was only going to extend as her parents broke the news off to her and waited for her reaction as she seemed stunned in silence, staring at them with wide eyes and a jaw that touched the floor; literally - accidental magic does wonders!

"I LOVE YOU!!!!!" she screamed in happiness as her positivity radiated off her and spread to everyone in a 50 mile radius around her, she just had this kind of special effect on others. SHe hugged them both tightly and clung on for a lot of time before the Owl hooted and pecked her finger making her yelp in pain as she jumped away. 

"Bad Owl.. Bad.." she said playfully glaring at him as he let out another screech before she took him and ran upstairs. She wanted to tell Beth all about it but figured against it, Beth would have to wait. She wanted to surprise her best and only friend and of course start her second year with a bang, literally and this time, she knew exactly what to do. She smirked and got to work. 

Two more weeks left before school started and Mary was already hyped up about it! 

Bring it on Marauders! Let's see what you got! 

Bert felt giddy as he stood beside his father and faced their chimney. So far both were dressed in clean robes but that was soon going to change as his father gestured him to stand in the fireplace and raise one arm as he was lectured about for the past half an hour and was now just irritated as he rolled his eyes and said, "Okay dad, I get it! Can we just move on to the exciting part?!" 

His dad, Lae, sighed heavily before saying, "Fine, raise your arm and say lift slowly"

He followed the instructions and said, "Lift slowly" The fire place whirred to life as he was pushed upwards lightly and was now levitating over a cushion of thin air. His face lit up in excitement and awe. 

"Now start waving your broom around to clean the fireplace, I'll be right behind you" said Lae.

Bert nodded before floating upwards slowly, spinning a 360 degrees slowly as he dusted the walls of the chimney. At last he reached the end and climbed out standing steadily on the roof as his dad emerged after him looking just as dusty as Bert. 

They had soot and dirt covering them from head to toe, but this was normal for Lae, as it was his profession and he was just showing Bert how to do the job in case Bert chose this path. Lae had repeatedly told Bert that he was destined for greatness and shouldn't choose this profession but there was something about it that even Lae didn't know why the boy was too interested in a profession that was so looked down upon by most.  

"Sooo what now?" 

"We sing" Lae said with a wide smile and started, "chim chimney chim chimney chim chim-"

So on went the father and son as they jumped from roof to roof, merrily singing their own made up song..


YOU ALL HAVE NO IDEA HOW STRONG THE URGE TO MAKE A PUN IN THE LAST SENTENCE WAS!!! I was this close to publishing the pun but thought against it.. 

btw it was Maryilly sung their own tune.. geddit? maryilly.. merrilly X'D

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