Chapter Six

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-and SPLASH! 

Blue, Pink, Yellow, White, black and a whole other assortment of charmed paints fell right on target as the victims seemed angered and so red that the paint would have evaporated off of them. The Hufflepuff prankster duo couldn't help but giggle at that little scene and that's what gave away their hiding spot as two extremely furious boys screamed after them. 

"POPPINS!! SKITTLES!!! THIS ISN'T OVER YET!" James Potter, a proud prankster, screamed his butt off but to no avail as the delightful young ladies were far off at the other end of the corridor to even here him. 

"I'm sorry Potter, but you'll have to be louder than that" Mary smirked

"Yea we can't here your ittle wittle baby voice from here" Beth replied sarcastically as they continued their escape and turned down the corridor with the boys on their chase. 

Four months had rolled by and winter was welcoming the first years as snowballs and pranks were what everyone saw these days. The young pranksters kept their schedule balanced between pranking and studies as they strove had to one up the other team. Mcgonnagal grew tired running after the troublemakers and some days just sat back laughing at their funny antiques. 

The school was well entertained and parents well informed. Mary couldn't wait to get back home and tell her parents all about her experience in person now. Winter holidays were just a fortnight away and so Professors seemed set on burdening the students with extra pressure and homework, but that didn't phase the little pranksters, not one bit. In fact it encouraged them and fueled them up as they hurried and rushed their homework in order to make more time for pranking. 

Yeah, many professors found it surprising most days to find Potter and Black quietly finishing off their assignments in the library - the most horrid place in the world according to them. Peter was always in and set on following these boys and took pride and part in every prank causing him to get pranked as well. Remus, on the other hand, tried to stray as far from it as possible - but everyone knew one thing. Pranking was part of the boys' blood and he knew he couldn't stay away from it for long. 

So, Remus did join in on the occasions and helped improve the pranks but that made him a victim to the girls'  future pranks and surprisingly, he didn't regret it for a second. Currently, James and Sirius barged into the library and onto a specific table where Remus sat, homework sprawled onto the table as he slowly looked up at the sight with widened eyes trying not to laugh but it was much harder done than said as he let out muffled laughs. 

"Laugh all you want Remus, we'd be doing the same you know?" James said from behind a layer of paint as he removed his glasses and tried hard to wipe off the paint. 

"Help us brother. Please" Sirius pleaded with puppy eyes, going into overly dramatic mood as he kneeled down and held his hands in the pleading position. Remus couldn't help but sigh as he waved his wand and said the spell. In a moment, silver stars swirled around the two boys as they got all cleaned and tidied up. 

Smirks washed over their faces and a mischievous glint sparked in their eyes. Remus widened his eyes, afraid of what the boys were planning, because he knew for a fact that the result was not going to be pretty certainly not to the poor person they choose as their victims. Oh god! Remus thought as he paled and heard the boys' excited whispers about the plan, little did they know that their 'plan' was leaked as their victims were behind the bookshelf in the next row.

"Any second now..." Sirius murmured under his breath as he watched the brunette and blonde get their cups near their mouths to take a sip of the supposed 'pumpkin juice' when their plans changed last minute and they threw the liquid but instead of dropping to the floor as intended, the girls thought better. 

"Wingardium Leviosa" Mary smirked a the liquid floated over to the Gryffindor table in mid drop and stayed levitated over the heads of two very mischievous boys. They paled and wore fearful expressions as Mary broke her spell and the liquid fell upon the duo. The results flashed immediately. The boys began itching their body and boils started growing upon the two as they flashed glares at the two laughing girls across the hall. 

Soon it was enough to grab everyone's attention and every single person in the hall began laughing hysterically. Some holding their stomachs while other hissing away through their teeth, tsss tsss. Some laughed like their teeth were chattering, others laughed a bit too quickly. Some only gave a single reaction, a loud burst of mirth emitting their mouths. 

Suddenly, professor Mcgonnagal stepped over to where Mary Poppins and Beth Skittles were laughing immediately ceasing their laughter as they looked at her slightly frightened. The entire great hall ceased to a pin drop silence waiting for one of them to break the silence. 

It didn't take long as Beth spluttered at a clear loss for words when suddenly Mary braved a smile and started uttering nonsense but something that made some sense to people who actually heard her right. 

"Supercalifragilisticexpiallidocious, even though the sound to it is something quite attrocious. If you say it loud enough you'll only sound-" and so Mary broke into  song, one that she'd completely made up. 

That set the audience to another round off hysterics as tears of mirth streamed down their face and this was just too much, enough to be the stage stopper. The great hall was, as you muggles call it these days, lit. 


I know this is in the 70's but can we just let the last sentence be coz come on... it was freaking hilarious. 


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