Chapter Four

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Embarrassment wasn't a strong enough word to describe the humiliation Mary felt on her first day in Hogwarts. After catching Beth and giving her a nice tripping hex the girl soon realized that she was in her ice creams and unicorn pajamas as she covered her face and ran out of the great hall as everyone burst out laughing. 

So much for a great first day! She just blew her chances at being recognized as a smart person. All Mary wished for after hearing the house stereotypes was to break them and she was sure that's why she was sorted into Hufflepuff. She wanted to prove herself worth and show that Hufflepuffs weren't laughing stock and were capable of much more. She wanted to be seen as smart, but she felt so humiliated and dumb after this. 

She sucked in any sign of tears and tried keeping a brave face as she wracked her brain for the smell before finally getting it as Beth reached her side to comfort her friend. It was then that Mary realized just how good of a friend Beth was. Jokes apart, she knew that if ever she felt low and disliked by the entire world Beth would always stand by her side no matter how much she annoyed her or how badly she woke her up. Pranks and jokes were what made Beth, Beth. 

Mary waved her wand at herself and soon found herself in her uniform, complete with the Hufflepuff tie. She then found herself encased in a hug with Beth as Beth comforted her and made her smile. the two walked back into the great hall, now in better spirits and ignored all the looks as they seated themselves on the Hufflepuff table. 

Beth just remembered something, " Omg! I've got to send an owl to my parents!" 

"Me too!!!" Mary said as they panicked but then Mary turned and asked a senior. 

"Excuse me, is there a spell to summon things?" 

The senior smiled kindly and said, "Yes, it's called Accio then the name of the object you want summoned, swish and flick your wand twice."

Mary did just that and summoned their writing materials, it didn't work the first time, but it came in the fifth try, "Pretty handy spell huh?" Beth nodded. 

They ate and started writing their letters telling their parents all about the sorting and train ride, in detail before a bang from the Gryffindor table stole their attention. They looked up after signing their names to witness a bunch of seniors, probably third or fourth years, covered in pumpkin juice. The entire hall burst out laughing but two self conceited Gryffindors took laughed the hardest and took pride in their best prank yet! 

Professor Mcgonngal waved her wand and things were back to normal as she gave a stern glare at the boys who winked at her. James, as Mary now got a better view, replied.

"Sup Minnie! How's life?" 

"Not a good way to start your years boys, I can already sense it. You're gonna be a handful. Detentio tonight at 8 my office." then she left distributing rest of the time tables. I quickly added in a P.S and wrote that down about James earning himself a detention! 

"How was charms for you Mary?" Beth questioned inquisitively as they walked out of their first class. 

"Interesting!! I can't wait for fifth year!! We get to learn wandless magic!! Wandless magic Beth!!!! and and Non verbal magic in sixth year!!! EEEPPPSSS" Mary squealed at her best friend, her eyes wide and shining, "What bout' you?"

"ehh.. I just want to pass it, though I can't wait to learn non verbal, that'll be pretty cool and helpful for pranks!" she grinned mischievously. Mary rolled her eyes at her friend's childishness and walked towards the grounds for care of magical creatures. Mary always had a thing for wild animals, she didn't know why but she always found it fun and calming to talk to them even though thy didn't respond to her, at least they were there to listen to her rant.

She would often find herself ranting to a fellow bird as she sat on the windowsill and told the bird about her happiness and her life. She often sang in tune to the bird's chirping. Beth snapped her fingers in front of Mary and knitted her eyebrows at the girl. 

"Earth to Mary. Lamb to Mary" she said and laughed before Mary joined in. 

"You get it yea... the rhyme..Mary had a little lamb... but seriously did you have a lamb?" 

"Kinda.. it was our neighbor but I petted her and played with her more than the owner it was practically ours, you know how the rhyme is in past tense...Mary had a little lamb. It's because one day it died, naturally of course. It shocked us all, I mean it was so sudden, Like it was perfectly healthy one day and the next morning the owners find it dead in it's sleep without any physical injury. It's kinda fishy if you ask me" 

"Fishy..? I'd say it's damn woolly" she snorted before laughing. 

Soon the girls finished their lessons for the day and were seated by the dinner table with their wands tucked in their robes and their mouths filled with food to the brim that they could barely converse with each other. Mary gulped down her food and took a sip of water before sneaking out her wand and without anyone noticing turned every single Gryffindor bald while Beth gave every Slytherin a white beard. 

It didn't take long for the Great hall to burst out laughing and the teachers looked everywhere to find the prankster before giving up and turning it all to normal, in the midst off all the havoc, Mary and Beth could have sworn they saw Dumbledore smile and wink from the corner of their eyes. 

Now, the real question is... Did he really wink at them or was it a trick of the light? 

Whatever the reason, Mary was definitely looking forward to this year and the Marauders might as well have competition now. . . 


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