Happy Birthday Ivy!! Pt 2

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Ivy's Birthday Breakfast ^^^^^^ Above

-Chapter 20

Ivy's POV

"Happy Birthday mommy!" I wake up to my baby girl jumping on Michael and I's bed .

"Thank you baby." I say sitting up and Asia comes and sits next to me and start rubbing my stomach making me smile.

"Daddy made breakfast." She says still rubbing my stomach.

"Oh he did well where is daddy?" I say kissing her forehead, and before she could say something the door opened. Michael walked in with a tray that had orange juice and my favorite waffles with strawberries and whip cream.

"Happy Birthday Baby!" Michael says sitting next me handing me the breakfast tray. I smiled and puckered my lips for him to kiss me.

"Thank you baby." I say looking at my breakfast.                                                                                                        "Okay, so after breakfast you get ready to spend the day with your girls. No kids just you ladies." He says as I ate my breakfast.

"Okay where are we going?" I ask

"That's for me to know and you to find out now hurry up baby we are on a time schedule." He says getting up and leaving the room.

After I ate breakfast I got dress in off the shoulder sundress with my furry slides and I paired my outfit with a smile silver necklace set.

After I was dressed I put my hair into a high bun then made my way downstairs

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After I was dressed I put my hair into a high bun then made my way downstairs.

As soon as I hit the last step my sisters all came towards me.

"Awe look at your belly!" Kaila says rubbing on me.

"I know my son got her glowing." Michael says with a smirk. "Okay ladies time to go!" He says pushing us out the door. "Oh and Ashley 8 o'clock sharp no earlier no later." He says then closes the door.

Once we got to the car I turned towards Ashley "okay what's he go planned?" I asked because first breakfast then he said we're on a time schedule, now he is rushing us the door and now there is a set time.

She just smiled at me "what do you mean?" She ask merging on to the freeway.

I look at her with a raised eyebrow then looked at the rest of the girls who had the same smile on their faces. "I mean the smiles you all have on your faces! What is Michael doing?" I ask again a little annoyed because they know I hate surprises.

"We can't tell you but after shopping we can show you." Shayla says making me sigh.


After shopping we decided to go back to Ashley condo to get dressed for what that's what I wanna know.

After we all showered it was time to get dress. "Okay Ivy how do you want your hair?" Kasey asked putting her robe on over her dress.

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