Old Love

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Michael Mattson ^^^Above

-Chapter 2

Michael's POV

Walking into the company I didn't expect to see Ivy again and let alone her be my assistant, I turned towards my dad and asked "when did she start working here?"

"Who Ivy Owens." He says as we started walking towards his office, and I nod as take a seat on the couch.

"She started 5 months ago, she graduated college early because she needed to get her degree quick. So she took online classes and haven't took a break since now she is studying for her masters." He says cleaning out his desk.

I sat there taking everything in "So she has a daughter?" I asked because I didn't know she had a kid when we dated.

"Yeah she just turned 2 a few days ago." He says gathering his things.

Hearing that made my blood boil because that mean another man has touched her, I remember when I first laid eyes on Ivy I knew I had to have her.

"Son hello son." My dad says pulling me out of my thoughts.


"I said why do you ask, do you know her or something?" He says sitting on the edge of the desk.

I nodded and then stood up "I dated her 3 years ago in college." I say to dad and his mouth forms a 'o' .


Ivy's POV

I'm at my parents house holding a sick sleeping Asia when I hear the door "aww how is my baby." Ashley says coming in the living room with my twin brother Issac.

"Her fever has gone down so now she is sleeping.'' I say still rubbing her back, Issac comes and takes her out of my hands and goes upstairs, once he was out of sight I turned towards Ashley "Michael is our new boss." I tell her because she starts on Monday and she is the only person who knows who Asia father is and the extent of our relationship.

"What! How?" She ask coming to sit next to me.

"Mr. Mattson is his father and since he took over the company for his father in-law and since he is retiring he has giving the company to his son Michael." I say and she sighs.

"I think it's time to come clean to both your family and him." She says looking at me apologetic.

I nodded and called my family downstairs "what is it Ivy I was just about to get started on dinner." My mom says.

I sighed "I lied about Asia's father" I say looking at my family.

"How so?" My mom asked.

"Her father and I dated and now he is my new boss." I say and I see the fire in my dad and Issac's eyes.

"WHAT!!!" They all yell.

"I know I know but when I found out I was pregnant he was gone leaving no trace, so when you guys asked who the father was that's why I said I don't remember and I know dad, Issac, and Isaiah would have went investigating trying to find him." I say looking at my family.

"So he doesn't know about Asia?" India asked sitting next to me. I shook my head no.

"Baby girl you have to tell him, he has a right to know his daughter and Asia has a right to know her father." My mom says to me and Ashley and India nods.

"I know but I can't we dated for five months he took my virginity and when I went to tell him that I was pregnant he was gone without a trace and not even a proper goodbye. Mom I thought I loved him and I thought he loved me, but we have been doing fine without him and I don't need him now." I say getting up and gathering my things.

"Ivy sit your ass down and listen because now I have to say something." My dad says in his demanding tone.

I sat down "now I'm disappointed you lied to us but your mother is right. He has a right to know and tell me again why the hell would you lie." He says yelling.

"I was scared okay. You, Issac, and Isaiah would have had his head if you knew he just up and left with no warning and no trace." I say looking at my dad.

"Baby girl you said you thought you loved him?" My mom asked and I nodded "well your answers says that you still love him and your still hurt about what he did." She says looking at me.

Looking at my family I see my father and Issac's face soften. "Ivy it is okay to admit that he hurt you, it is okay to cry and be angry. Let it out." My dad says holding my hands.

I thought about it at first but then I realized he doesn't deserve my tears "no I'm fine can I go now?" I say and they nod I got up grabbed my things and I went to go get my daughter and I left.

Danielle's POV

Seeing how Ivy didn't shed a tear or get angry makes me worry about her.

"I'm worried about Ivy." Ashley says looking at us "I mean she doesn't even talk about it and how she just shut down a minute ago that's not healthy." She says and I agree.

"I agree with Ashley I think we should see where his head is with this situation." I say looking at my husband.

"Mom what do you mean." India asked while everybody else looked at me confused.

"I'm saying we should see how he feels about her and Asia." I say and my husband looks at me with disapproval.

"No we cannot tell him about Asia when she just said no." Brian says to me.

"You just seen our daughter shut down because he left her, and she knows Asia has a right to know her father. Ivy is just being stubborn." I say raising my voice because I've never in 21 years of Ivy's life have I seen her shut down like that and it worries me.

"Mom how about we find out where his head is at about Ivy and leave Asia out of this." Issac says to me.

"Yea I don't think we should tell him about Asia until Ivy is ready." India says and I sighed knowing their right.

"But we don't know him and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know us." Issac says looking at me and his father.

"Okay well he is the owner of Preston Consolidated right?" Brian says Ashley nods her head "Well now his dad just handed the company over to him to day."

"Exactly so I'm gone try to set up a meeting to see where his head is at not bringing Ivy nor Asia into it." Brian says looking at me.

"Babe try to talk to him since you work under him." Issac says to Ashley and she nods.

"Okay operation fix Ivy has taken place." India says laughing.

Is She Mine Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora