I don't know what it is, but Grushan always look like they're hunting. Rorith had that same look in his eyes as the rest. He sat down on a stool next to Olivia's bed and examined her closely, sniffing every once in a while.

Olivia looked really bad today. She's gotten very thin in the last few weeks; I guess that almost a month in a coma would do that to just about everyone. She's extremely pale still, and there are huge bags under her eyes. It's like she's shriveling like a raisin. Cynthia started crying while she was watching Rorith do whatever it was he was planning to do. I held her hand.

Rorith looked over at us suddenly. "Can I touch her?" he asked us. Cynthia nodded. So, Rorith turned back to Olivia and put a claw on her forehead. The feathers on the back of his head raised almost like he was a dog or a cat that got scared by something. His big eyes closed for a moment and he sang something that didn't get translated. Then he cocked his head to one side as if he was listening to something. He hissed something in warspeak that again wasn't translated. Then he started singing again. Then he stopped and stood up. He turned back to us.

"I believe that she will recover," was all he said. Cynthia and I both stood there and blinked. Cynthia frowned.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "What did you do to her?"

"I did nothing," Rorith replied. "But she is a strong willed young human and she will pull through."

"You did nothing at all?" Cynthia asked, and she started to get angry. "Then what did you come here for?"

"I did nothing of myself," Rorith clarified. "I don't have that power; I'm called a mystic, but I'm no wizard. But I have laid hands on her, and I have asked that she be healed, and I believe that she will be healed, as should you."

"You've...asked?" Cynthia was beside herself. "I...trusted you! You gave me false hope! You're nothing but a dirty con! I don't care if the Grushan like you! Go to hell you...you... stupid lizard!"

Cynthia ran out of the room, and she was crying. I started to go after her, but she was out the door before I could make it. And I'll have to admit, I was a bit mad. So I turned back to Rorith and threw in a rebuke of my own: "You know, you were her last hope."

"I often am people's last hope," he replied. "People usually don't come to me until all other options are expended." Then he paused and thought. "Believe it or not, my presence doesn't usually have an immediate effect. There are a lot of cases where people who ask me to heal a loved one feel the way that she does for a day or maybe two before the healing actually comes. Many who ask once don't ask again for that reason. Even those who are healed don't often connect the healing with my presence because of the time it often takes." He thought for another moment. "It's actually been quite a blessing in many ways."

"Well, I think you should perhaps make sure to tell people more often," I pointed out. "She's been through more in the past month than you can possibly imagine."

"I'll keep that in mind. And I'll remind the ambassador to do the same," said Rorith. "What about you though? You've been touched by the Zaha-Katchem as well, haven't you? Have you recovered from the experience?" I answered yes, mostly. I do get this feeling of paranoia sometimes, but that's about the worst of it. He said that was good. "From what I've been able to grasp of there technology, which isn't much, it seems possible, even likely, that whatever alterations to the neural pathway they make may remain after the source of their control is gone. It might make you more susceptible to their influence in the future." And he asked if he could touch me. I didn't see why not, so I said yes, and he put a claw on my forehead. After a moment, he withdrew it.

"I think you'll be fine," he said. "I also think that the female Cynthia will be fine. That's all that I can tell you. Now I must go; the ambassador has requested a word, and I have to grant it to him. He has been a good friend to me while I have been Earth. I will pray for both of you."

As he was leaving, I asked him if the Zaha-Katchem really were supernatural. He replied, "Who isn't?"

I don't know really what to make of Rorith, or his last words to me. I can say that ever since he left, I've felt more at peace than I have since leaving Montana. And it's not peace like happiness; Cynthia has been distressed even more than she was before, and I've shared her fear and anguish as much as I can. But it's almost as if I feel safe here, and that's something I haven't felt in a long time. Olivia's still in her coma, and bombs are still falling outside. But it's almost like, the world just started turning in a different direction. And I don't know what that means.

I have to stop writing for now; I just heard that the Grushan announcement has started. I hope they've found a way to defeat the black ship.

Official Transcript: Grushan Senate Broadcast: 08/23/2175

[Begin Playback]

ANNOUNCER: (translated) This is an official broadcast of the Grushan Senate. Worlds throughout the Federation and Nova take heed; the Federation speaks. This broadcast will be received by all colonies as well as the Terran Hegemony and all confederated worlds. Now, Deputy Chairwoman Halarizh of the Grushan Senate.

HALARIZH: (translated) May the sun shine bright upon all worlds that hear these words. All in the Federation will know that I have been appointed as Chairwoman of the Grushan Senate since the departure of Praetor Almarith, who has taken leave of his Senatorial duties since the destruction of the Federal Grushan Star Fleet in Nova. I have been left to guide the deliberations of the Senate. I now report to you the result of those deliberations. As Commander of the Federal Grushan Star Fleet, Praetor Almarith recommended the surrender of the Grushan Federation to the Terran Hegemony in anticipation of further mass destruction caused by the Zaha-Katchem black ship. With no fleet to prevent the destruction of further colonies, this would seem prudent to the survival of the Grushan cultures and peoples that inhabit these worlds. However, the Senate has deliberated long, and no one among us, not the wisest or the most cowardly, can accept these terms. So the Senate has dissolved. The worlds of the Grushan Federation are represented by great leaders and nations of their own. It is the decision of the Senate to allow each of them to deal with the Terran menace in their own way, until such a time as organized resistance can be offered. The military body formerly known as the Federal Grushan Star Fleet will be considered rogue, and welcome at no ports. We know that many of you hearing this broadcast will thing that the Senate has abandoned the colonies it has sworn to protect. This is not true. The Senate stands with you. But its service to you cannot be maintained while in captivity. May Grushamarith be with you all.

[End Transcript]

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