"Rose invited someone who'll thank me for the distraction," James grinned which made Rose groan internally. Way to betray her, thanks James, Rose thought. Then again, Scorpius could show up every minute now and then everyone could see him. That is, if he'd really come.

"Who did she invite?" uncle Harry asked, surprised by James's statement. Yeah, it was true, Rose normally never did something that would require a distraction.

"Scorpius Malfoy plus parents," James laughed and she heard her uncle chuckle. How did James know - oh, wait, the invisibility cloak of course.

"Ron is certainly not going to like that, jeez, Merlin. He almost ruined the match if Hermione hadn't stopped him, but I don't think he's going to be as easy today! Did you tell him?" her uncle asked and suddenly Rose's heart sunk to her stomach. That couldn't be possible, right?

"Of course not! He would totally kill me dad! Plus, I'd like to see his face when he discovers that everyone knows his daughter is dating Scorpius, but him," James grinned, but Rose didn't think this was funny. She wasn't dating Scorpius, she was dating Joe!

"Okay, I like your idea and it's really nice what you did for Rose, but next time, please tell me," uncle Harry said, "oh, and don't tell your mum, okay?" he added. He was about to walk towards the door and Rose realised she had to make it look like she was going in for some snacks or so, when she suddenly heard the doorbell, which created a cover for her. James was really awesome for creating a distraction for her - even though he did it for himself too. 

"Hi Red!" Scorpius said, when Rose opened the door and she jumped in the air. It was him! He was here!

"Draco, Astoria, how lovely to see you! Would you like something to eat?" Rose heard a voice and she knew for sure she hadn't been the one saying this. It was her mother who stood next to her and offered the pair something on a plate.

"Mum?" Rose asked softly, "did you know they were coming?"

"Of course I did, granny told me!" her mother whispered to her and she gave her a wink, "I have to apologise to you two to what happened at the Quidditch match!" her mother said in her normal voice. 

"It has already been forgotten," Scorpius's father said and they all started to chitchat about necklaces and their kids in their last year of Hogwarts.

"She visits us sometimes, Astoria and her are good friends. I don't reckon your father liking it very much, which is why she probably doesn't talk about it that much," Scorpius's father said to her and it was in that moment that Rose realised she was staring in awe at her mother. 

"Yeah, that...that actually explains a lot. Oh and um, I'm Rose," Rose said, offering him her hand.

"I figured you were, at the Quidditch match. I'm Scorpius's father, Draco," he said, shaking her hand, "at our house you're more familiar under the nickname 'Red' though," he smiled, which caused an angry look from Scorpius.

"Shut up, dad!" he said and his ears turned red.

"Come on in, come on in!" Rose said, trying to make the conversation less awkward.

"Draco, how's life?" uncle Harry said and the two of them walked off. Now she was suddenly alone with Scorpius.

"Do you want something to drink?" Rose asked him and he nodded. In silence he grabbed a drink and they walked together to the garden. 

"It's almost midnight, you know," Scorpius said, looking at the stars.

"So?" she asked. The sky was clear and she could actually count the stars that evening. She loved it.

"So, are you going to make some New Year's resolutions list?" he laughed and Rose looked at him again. With the moonlight as their source of light and the muffled voices coming from the party tent and the Burrow itself, they were almost in a peaceful place. Peaceful enough for now, though. 

"Do you think I need to make such a list?" she asked him and he smiled.

"Answering a question by a question, I'm not falling for it this time," he said and Rose laughed. He did imply he could fall for it, which could imply he could fall for her. No! She really had to stop herself. She couldn't think like that.

"I'll guess I could work on being a nicer person? Maybe relax a bit more, which can lead to more laughter and become less serious? I think I need to start enjoying life more and to find love?" she  said, but she'd realised too late that she'd just been talking without thinking. Finding love? What was that? She'd already found love, with Joe. Joe, who wouldn't like her talking with Scorpius, so alone.

"And you?" she asked, trying to stop thinking about her saying 'love' and what Scorpius would think of that.

"I think...I think I agree with your list, but maybe do some more pranks as well and a good Head-Boy at the same time, right?" he said.

"Shoot, yeah, I can't let my guard that much down, of course," she said with a smile. Suddenly the lights flickered in the party tent and she heard loads of people leaving the Burrow to go to the party tent. Scorpius grabbed her hand as they run towards the party tent as well. There were still two minutes to go till midnight and all Rose saw was Teddy asking for everyone to be quiet. She hadn't seen him in so long, but he looked really nervous and confident at the same time.

"It's two minutes before New Year's and I really promised myself to try to enter the new year a different man than who I am now. Can Victoire please step forward?" he asked and everyone stepped aside for her. She looked lovely, she wore a blue dress that was simple yet elegant. She mouthed 'what are you doing?' to Teddy and Rose realised the two of them hadn't seen each other since Teddy had left with Fred to discover the world.

"When I was with Fred travelling the world, I saw some of the greatest places on earth. It was amazing and beautiful, but it wasn't everything I expected it to be, because I couldn't share it with the one person I love more than everything in the whole world," he said. There were some 'aww's in the crowd, but Teddy had only eyes and ears on Victoire, who just looked more and more confused.

"Victoire, I've missed you so much in those months and it was killing me to not have you at my side for such a long time. I know I left because I needed to figure some things out, but I only realised that I can't and won't do that ever again. I really hope..." he said, grabbing something from his jacket and he sat down on one knee. Victoire's eyes grew wider and Rose felt herself leaning towards Scorpius.

"I really hope you would do me the honour of becoming my wife?" he asked, but Victoire could only cry and nod. Teddy stood up and a small tear fell down his cheeks. 'Yes?' he mouthed towards Victoire and she mouthed 'Yes!' back. He put the ring on her finger and suddenly the big clock on the roof started to spit fireworks in the sky.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone shouted and Rose saw Teddy kissing his now fiancé. Everyone around her grabbed someone to congratulate, when Rose suddenly felt the hand she'd been holding, pulling her. Now she was right in front of him and he'd the most intense look she'd ever seen. All she wanted to do was to move closer to him and she felt a power as strong as magnets pulling her closer to him.

He was kissing her. She was kissing him. They were kissing! Nothing else in the world mattered anymore, only him and her. Only their kiss. Their kiss, Merlin, it felt like a dream. A dream come true.

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