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For the last three days it took everything in Jacob to not yell at Connor. The alpha hasn't even said anything to him, at least not until he gets his emotion in check. Last night made him realize that he hasn't had a chill moment since the night he found Troye and that was last month. 

He's not really blaming Troye for this because if Jacob didn't find Troye who knows where he would've ended up but all of this running around is getting to his head. Right now he was making his way to the laundry room when Kian stopped him.

"Hey Jay," He said. "Could we like... talk?" 

Jacob put the basket down and sighed. "Sure Ki," He said.

Kian looked around almost as if he was nervous about something. "In private," He then leaned forward. "It's important."

Jacob raised an eyebrow before nodding and following Kian out of the house. The duo walked out of the house and Kian took Jacob down one of the paths and into town. Jacob looked around with a skeptical look on his face as they went into a little dinner. 

"This isn't exactly private Kian," Jacob said. "What's going on."

"I know you overheard what Connor and I said a few days ago," Kian said. 

Jacob shrugged. "Connor seemed pretty hell-bent on giving Troye over to Taylor," Jacob picked up and sugar packet. "What about you."


Jacob ripped the packet open and poured it onto the table. "Because I remember you saying that it was because of Troye that the attacks happened," After messing with the sugar for awhile Jacob brushes it onto the floor. "Am I suppose to believe that you just.... changed your ways."

Jacob leans against the table. "You're smart, I'll give you that... but did you really think you could out smart me?"

Kian laughs. "No," He says. "That's why I had Connor do it."

"What are you talking about?" 

Kian shrugged. "I don't know Jacob," He said with a smile on his face. 

"What the hell did you d-."

'Jacob you need to get here. We got an emergency on our hands

The alpha looked over at the wolf sitting in front of him. Jacob growled before running out of the dinner and towards the house


Jacob ran up to the house and the second he did Zoey limped towards him. She didn't look too bad but she had a cut on her lip and what looked like claw marks on her leg. Jacob met her halfway and grabbed her shoulders. 

"I'm sorry," She says. "We tried to protect him." 

Jacob looked at the house and then back at Zoe. "Where is Connor."

"Basement." Zoey said. 

Jacob nodded his head before running into the house. He ran passed the mess of the house and passed out bodies and headed straight to the basement. Connor was shackled to  the the wall and his face was bloody, there were a few other wolves standing around looking at him. 

"I was actually worried that you would see through the ruse," Connor said weakly. "I'm surprised we pulled a fast one on you." 

Jacob's eyes switched. "You little bitch," He said running towards Connor and gripping his hand around the betas throat.


The alpha turned around and saw the female alpha limping towards him with a cane. Despite the fact that her wolf was injured it was blaring bright and furious. The other wolves in the pack back away as she walks towards the two.

"As much as you'd like to," She says. "Killing him isn't going to bring him back, and he's the only one who truly knows where Troye is."

Connor smirked. "You should...listen to her," He said through strangled breath. "But then again... I did give your mate away."

'He's toying with you Jay, don't give him that.'

Jacob closed his eyes and when he opened them they went back to their normal green. He released his grip on Connors neck and walked upstairs. The beta started to laugh as Jacob walked up the stairs and it took everything in him not to turn around and rip his throat. 

Raven limped up to Connor and looked him dead in the eye. "You've got some nerve." She says before turning around and following the male alpha. The rest of the pack started to follow her before Connor spoke up again.

"If you could get Zayden and Lily back, would you?" He said.

Everyone stopped and the wolves turned to Raven. The alpha stopped and looked down, clenching her fist whilst doing so. 

"H-her name is Lily?" Raven said. 

Connor smirked. "Lily Black," He said. "Taylor offered them if Jacob gave up Troye. You can protect Troye all you want, but don't tell me that you wouldn't give him up in favor of your siblings.

Raven growled, her eyes were still looking at the ground and her fist were still clenched. "It's just empty promises." She said before walking upstairs. 


Jacob paced back and fourth in Raven's room waiting for the alpha to come back upstairs. The first thought is his mind was Troye and how is he going to find him.

Those auctions are everywhere and they are constantly on the move so they aren't caught. It was times like this he wished he paid attention to what his dad talked about. He figured he'd start small ask around in town even though he hated sharing a last name with the man he is forced to call father it did have its perks. 

"Raven," Jacob said as the alpha. "Did he say- what's wrong."

"Her name is Lily," She said completely ignoring Jacob. "Lilies we're my moms favorite flower."

"Who-who is named Lily?" 

Raven turned around. "My sister," She said quietly. "Connor told me that Taylor said he'd tell me where they were if you had given up Troye."

Jacob stepped forward. "Raven I-."

"You don't have to apologize," Raven said. "I'd do anything to protect my mate, but I can't act like I wouldn't have given Troye up."

Jacob made a face and Raven simply just shook her head. "That's my family out there Jacob. You can choke me out but at the end of the day, I'd do anything to see them."

Jacob and Raven looked at each other before Jacob pulled Raven into a hug. It was a shock to the both of them as this is probably the first time they've had a proper hug. After the few minutes of shock Raven hugged Jacob back and cried into his chest. 

"We're going to get Troye," Jacob said. "We're going to find you family and save mine. And we're going to take down my dad and stop the auctions."

"I'm killing him Jacob even if it's the last thing I do," Raven said. "I'm killing my father."



next chapter is gonna focus on troye and a new character. place your guesses now.

also im in school right now. i get out in an hour (2:10 for people in different time zones)

anyways hope you enjoyed

much love.

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