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Troye woke up but this time Jacob wasn't in his wolf form, he was in his human form with his arm wrapped protectively around the omegas waist. Although when he woke up he didn't feel the comfort he should.

He felt worried. 

"Jacob," Troye said. "Jacob do you smell that."

The alpha stirred awake slightly but didn't get up. "I don't smell anything Troye," He snuggles back into Troye's side. "Go back to sleep please." 

He sits up. "But that's the thing." He says before pushing out of Jacob's grasp and heading out the room and down the hall. 

Jacob slapped his hand against his face before rolling out of bed and sleepily following Troye down the hall. He finally made it to the room that Troye was in and leaned against the door frame

"Troye what the hell it's six in the morn-." He stopped mid sentence once he saw the empty bed the should be occupied with Raven. 

"She's gone." Jacob said.

Troye turned to face Jacob. "How, she's damn near cripple. How could she get out of bed, why would she leave after what had happened."

Jacob walked over to the bed and noticed there was an album book. "She's a wolf, more importantly she has impeccable healing abilities." He said.

"Even with that it's going to take awhile for her to heal. She's practically at the mercy of anyone."

Jacob looked up at Troye. "I'm leaving." He says.

Troye walked out into the hallway. "Wait where are you going."

"I'll be back," Jacob said putting the album book down. "She couldn't have gotten far."

"I'm going with yo-."

Jacob does a quick turn and raises a hand to stop Troye from coming an closer. "No. The last thing we need is a missing omega on top of a missing injured missing female alpha. You're staying here."

Jacob left before Troye could even get a word in. The omega sighed, it was one of the very few things that he hated about Jacob; he was stubborn when it comes to the means of protecting Troye.

'Just be safe please.'


It hurt to walk.

When Raven left she left with the thought of her siblings in her mind in hopes that she can find them. Although, as time went on her body began to hurt. It was her back especially, her ribs aren't properly healed yet and she wasn't wearing the brace that she should be wearing. 

She was walking for a long time before she heard something. She stopped and turned around and did a quick survey on what was around her and then continued walking. The next time it happened it sounded closer.

"I don't know why you'd chose to sneak around a wolf, especially one that's an alpha." Raven said trying to make herself stand up straight.

"And I don't why you'd chose to walk around at night," A man says walking onto the path. "Especially with an injury like yours."

Raven's eye widen. "You were in the pack that came to the house, aren't you."

"Seems like I didn't do my job right," He says. "You're still standing."

Before Raven had any time to react the other man pushed Raven down to the ground. She winced at the shock of pain that had went through her body, but then she started to laugh.

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