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"You seem upset about something," Troye said. "Is it Raven?"

Jacob stops mid putting his shirt on and sighs. "Yeah," He says before putting in completely on and walking over to the bed. "It's selfish to say but, I need her to recover quick because words already spreading and it won't be long before we go through another attack."

Troye scoots and grabs onto Jacobs torso. "Yes that is selfish but you're forgetting that you have an entire pack that follows you loyally. You're forgetting that everyone in this house lost someone because of the auctions, they all have a reason to fight."

"It's just that," Jacob pulled away and walked over to his desk. "I talked to her about this for years. The fact that she won't be here to see the fight is-."

"Jacob!" Someone says as a group of people rush into his room. They all looked worried, some of them looked like they were close to changing into their wolf forms. 

"What happened, was it another attack."

It was silent for a moment before someone out of the group pointed a finger at Troye. "You," He said. "If your ass didn't come here than we wouldn't be-."

Jacob got in between the other wold and Troye before he could do anything. "Hey, I asked you a question and I expect an answer. What the hell is it Kian." 

He scowls at Troye before turning to Jacob. "It's Connor."


"...where's you leader huh," The wolf said. "I've been dying to see him, I even brought him a little gift. One of his lackeys. He put up quite a fight too, I can see why he likes him. I'd have him in my pack if he wasn't such a wimp."

Jacob came outside with the other half of the pack quickly following his lead. Although once he saw the man standing behind Connor's limp body he stopped dead in his track. Standing at a mere 6'4 with dark brown almost black hair and green eyes just like Jacob.

It was Taylor J. Bixenman, Jacob's father.

"Ah there you are," He said. "I must say you've done well with the house, tell me how is that female alpha doing? I know her father is filled with joy that I had taken down that monstrosity of a daughter."

Jacob clenched his jaw. "Why the hell are you here, you have the omega population under your boot, why are you attacking my pack."

Taylor steps over Connor's limp body which causes several of Jacob's wolves to run over to him. Jacob looked at the site and it angered him even more. Taylor took note of this and it caused him to laugh.

"You can end this Jacob," Taylor said. "All I ask is that you hand me the male omega that you hold close to you. Hell, maybe I might even tell you were the female alpha's sibling are... maybe give you your mom and sister."

Jacob growled. "Your own greed is the reason my mom, your wife and my sister are in those auctions," The younger alpha walked up to Taylor until they were inches apart. "I'm taking you down, I'm going to do what I set out to do the day you put my mom and Vanessa in that fucking auction. You're going to wish you've never even thought about selling omegas."

Taylor chuckles. "It was nice catching up to you Jacob," The older alpha then grabs the side of Jacob's face. "See you next time."

Jacob watches as he leaves before turning to the wolves surrounding Connor. He walks over and looks at him. He had a bloody nose and there was a gash in his forehead. 

"Get Connor to his room and someone set up a room for Hannah to stay in, looks like we're going to see her more often."


Jacob explained to both Raven and Troye what happened outside with his father. Troye didn't move from his spot looking out the window and Raven just seemed shocked by the whole thing. 

"You should've handed me over." Troye said.

Both Jacob and Raven looked at him. "What?" Raven said. 

"If you handed me over," Troye said before turning to face them. "You would have you mom and sister, you would have your siblings. Everything would be back to normal and you know, maybe I'd be with my mom and maybe my sister."

"You'd be a sex slave Troye," Raven said. "As much I want my siblings and as much as Jacob wants his mom and sister we wouldn't let you go through that." 

"But Kian is right," Troye said. "This is all my fault."

Raven scoffs. "Kian is a beta who doesn't know any better, we aren't handing you over to Taylor. We meant what we said when you are apart of our pack. No threat is going to change that."

"Jacob," Zoe said peaking her head in. "Connor is awake."

Jacob looked at Troye and the omega nodded his head. "Go check on him, I'll be fine with Raven." 

Jacob sighs and walks out of the room and down the hall to Connor's room. 


"...He's not going to stop until he get Troye," Jacob overhead a conversation between Connor and Kian. 

The alpha kept silent and listened to the conversation. They seem to be talking about what happened.

"It's not like we can just hand him over, Jacob would have our ass." Kian said, "I've made him mad once and I didn't even touch the kid."

"Never said we had to hand him over... what if he just happens to get taken. Do you really think that Jacob would be pissed if he got taken from us, even after we put up a fight?"

Kian nodded his head. "Uh yeah, you've seen the way he's with him."

Connor shrugged. "I'm just saying, you said that Taylor offered to give up Jacob's mom and sister and maybe even Raven's siblings... what do you think he'll give us if we give him up." 

Kian shook his head. "I can't talk to you about this." He then started to head out of the room. 

Jacob stepped into the closest room and watched as Kian walked down the hall. Jacob growled quietly to himself as he walked in the opposite direction and headed to the basement.



i started typing this in ap psych but i never got to finish it.... until now that is. 

so.... what do you think? is it good. 

i'm not going to lie to you i feel like it isn't as good as i thought it was going to be. it's just that a lot of my story ideas sound better in my head than it does on screen. 

i guess that's it. much love 


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