"Here... please mother, hang in there"

As he helped his mother once again to drink it. The mother's expressions changed dramatically to a grin, a cringe-like expression as it seems that the juice of this fruit was too sour even after adding water and mixing both together, the sour left a grin on the mother's face yet it was effective. Her heavy coughing stopped as she started to feel relaxed.

". . . ."

The mother laid her head on the pillow peacefully as it seems that her condition has become more stable.

"Rest well mother. . ."

Said the young boy before he took his leave from the room where his bedridden mother was in, laying on her bed helplessly.
The boy slowly walked outside the house which was made of constructed stones with a roof made of straw and wood.
He sat on the rock nearby the door. Dominated by a profound sadness, fatigue engraved on his worn face.


The sound of cloth that is being torn and ripped apart can be heard slightly in the middle of the calm night, the young boy was ripping some parts of his clothes. Both of his hands seemed pretty injured and covered with bruises especially around his fingers. He started wrapping the torn cloth around both of his hands carefully.


". . ."

A tear rolled down on his cheek to end up falling and splashing on his palm while he was wrapping it with the cloth.

More tears continued to fall on his palms as he paused his action for a moment to wipe his tears.
"Eh. . ."

The young boy continued wiping his tears while crying silently and grinding his teeth together to keep his voice lowered.

A feeling of sorrow and pain in the heart of the young boy, suffering because of the sickness of his mother and that he is unable to do anything to help her out with. He slowly wrapped both of his arms around his knees, burying his face within both of his knees, then after a while, he rose his head towards the sky, with his exhausted eyes he gazed upon a beautiful moon that was reflecting its beautiful shine on the surface.

"Mother I promise you that we will make it, hang in there just a little bit longer. . ."
The young boy spoke with a saddened voice as he started wiping his tears once more.


[The next morning]

The sun rose up high into the sky, above the beautiful earth. The beautiful morning beams like a cheerful smile above the cultivated paddy fields and the villagers who started their day cheerfully and the sound of the hummingbirds give out a beautiful atmosphere and a true meaning of peace.

"Mother, I will be going now. Stay safe until I return"

Said the young boy, with a vigorous smile engraved on his face, directed towards his mother who seemed a lot better than last night.

"Aw. .going already?"

The young boy's mother struggled a bit, helping herself to sit on the bed to embrace her son within her warmth.

"Well then, come here. .~"

She flattened her arms wide open waiting for her son to step forward and get within her range so she can hug him with her protective arms. With a warm and beautiful smile on her cheerful face, although she still seemed sick yet her beauty was overwhelming. To give such a warm smile towards her son, that was the true motherly love.

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