Acnologia X Dragon Slayer! Reader | Tragic Tale

Start from the beginning

The screams of war echoed throughout the grounds. They'll haunt me until the end of time.

Battle crys everywhere... Wails everywhere... And the smell of death lingered.

I just wish that I was back to those peaceful times...

My eyes widened when I saw a comrade in danger and I found that my own body moved of its own accord. I easily hit the dragon with my roar, pulling the woman away from its claw.

I asked if she was alright, but I didn't get a reply. She only looked at me with wide eyes. I asked her once again and this time received a scream in response.

In that moment of distraction, my own world went black as pain erupted in multiple points in my body.

Ah.. It looks like I broke my promise.


When I next came to, all I saw was a world of black. I found that I couldn't move and that my body was still throbbing with pain.

It felt almost like a dream, except there was a warmth next to me. It was a familiar warmth that held my hand tightly.

"I knew it. I shouldn't have let you go,"

It was Acnologia's voice, I would recognise him anywhere. But here I was lying in bed without a way to reply and tell him that it wasn't his fault.

"You shouldn't have saved that ungrateful Dragon Slayer. Why can't you focus on yourself?"

I wanted to tell him that it was alright, that I did it because I couldn't just someone die in front of my eyes again. But my body refused to move and I found myself listening to him in silence.

"I'm getting you out of here tomorrow. To hell with the oath. Won't matter when they're all dead," he growled and clenched my hand tightly. So tightly that it would've hurt me terribly had the pain from my injuries not existed.

With that, I heard a creaking noise as the door opened only to be slammed shut once again. I wanted to call out to him and tell him that there was no need for bloodshed on my behalf, but I knew that he wouldn't have listened.

And so, I laid there in the silence. I wasn't sure how much time passed and nor was I saw if I was truly awake or not.

But the next time I was conscious, the pain in my body had disappeared and I was able to finally open my eyes.

Before my eyes had properly adjusted to the light, my nose told me that I was no longer in the room. Acnologia's scent was surrounding me and I was in a cave or something like that. But it wasn't only his scent that my nose picked up on.

Our surroundings reeked the all too familiar smell of death. My heart started beating faster and faster as I clutched onto the material that covered me. My mine was still hazy and the confusion made me terrified.

"You're awake," the sudden voice made cold sweat run down my back.

"W-Where... Where are we?" my voice was rough and small, making me wince. Instinctively, I tried to reach for his hand in the dim light but ultimately failed when I realised that I could barely move.

"Away from the hell," he replied, helping me sit up. Just as I wanted to ask him how and why, I felt something being pressed against my lips as a cool liquid slipped past them.

I drank the water, my throat feeling much better. My eyes finally adjusted and I was fianlly able to see him. I wanted to smile, but my heart froze upon seeing his cold and almost emotionless eyes.

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