Exploring the End...

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So...here we are guys. The end of the month. End of the prompts! End of Inktober...
Its been a mixed experience for me...definitely added MUCH more stress on me than i thought possible. But overall, i made some cool pieces i never would have otherwise, learned a bunch of new skills, again i never would have without Inktober, and the modt importabt part...i had fun!
When i wasnt up at 3:30 in the morning trying to finish a drawibg...*glances anxiously at the clock*

Anyways...this is the last chapter of the Inktober book! And the prompt was originally "The Explorer", i thought i would make sonething special just from me...for you guys. 🙄

Look, whether you guys know it or not y'all are some of the most paw-some people ive ever had the honor and pleasure of meeting and getting to know. Being here on Wattpad or over on Shamchat to talk or rp with you guys has seriously been something i look forwards to each day. And even if i have a bit of bad news to share in a bit...i want to make up for it, with something i made for you guys...my friends!

Please, keep in mind my paper is only so big, and my skills limited. If i had enough room, time or energy to fit everyone i would of. But that was not so. But keep in mind, even if youre not here, doesnt mean i dont think youre a freaking amazing person, okay?!

Pictured above, in addition to the little doodle of me, are my friends Mirtjebeertje EmmaVansickle4 Alexx-Lyn Bugginette_the_bean NerdyPerdyPink sangstersgangsters 😉 and of course, MaritheViolinist Your rps with me, and your company have meant al...

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Pictured above, in addition to the little doodle of me, are my friends Mirtjebeertje EmmaVansickle4 Alexx-Lyn Bugginette_the_bean NerdyPerdyPink sangstersgangsters 😉 and of course, MaritheViolinist
Your rps with me, and your company have meant alot to me you guys. Even if we dont talk all that often! XD
And even if im TERRIBLE with responses, or showing that gratitude, i hope it comes across here.

fish_withapencil i even got to squeeze you in!! XDD

Please note i wanted so badly to fit everyone into my drawing. But i only had the resources enough for what is above. Please please PLEASE dont be offended if you didnt make it up there...youre all still my friends, its just that i kinda started off the drawibg too high on the paper, and ended up being able to only use half...so its MY stupid mistake there wasnt more room!

I hope you guys really like this...because its also my apology gift...
You see, stuff has been going on for me this past week or so. As you all probably may or may not of noticed, i havent really spoken much on here...at all...
And if im being honest, its only going to get worse...

 And if im being honest, its only going to get worse

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Im not sure why, but...i think i need a small break from Wattpad.
Im just loosing some of the heart i used to have. And i dont want that to be the cause of me accidentally hurting someone. Myself included. So.. im explaining now, so when i disappear for a few days, or maybe even a week or so...dont worry. Ill be back soon! Ill still pop in every now and then. Chat for some time, or even manage a response or two! If i draw anything of note, ill be sure to share it with you guys too!
But...i just need some time on my own for a bit. I wont be gone forever, and i wont do anything stupid so dont worry about me. Im doing this so hopefully i can come back again full force!
Im sorry to do this to you guys...i really am. I tried to shake myself out of this mood ive had, but its been a few days now and its going hard...
Please know you guys truly are the best, and its been a privledge tl be your friend. And its nothing against most of you! I just...need to take a step back.
Feel free to still text me stuff in Pm while im gone! Ill gladly still read it all, even if i dont answer right away.

Goodness i feel awful for saying all this stuff, especially after that happy drawing... but i would rather spit it out now, than wait for everyone to think i jumped off a bridge or somethin to say anything.
But im not abandoning you guys forever. Ill be back soon!
And for Tikki's sake dont kill each other while im gone. XD

With heavy heart and apologetic smile,

-Chat Doodle

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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