Ancient Robot

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Okay so yeaaaa never posted anything yesterday...and thats cause i got sick as hell and didnt feel like stressing and staying up late over a drawing i had no ideas for SO i didnt.
However, i am putting up an I.O.U. for you guys on "The Lost Girls" prompt so hopefully i can make that one up  later...
HOWEVER here is today's Inktober!!

HOWEVER here is today's Inktober!!

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So maybe i cheated a bit here.
So what if the drawing was already half sketched when i was trying to decide what to draw for today? It was only a half finished sketch, then i finished it and put to ink! Still out of the box for me! AND it fits the prompt!!
Hey. Im still sick so yea. I was lazy today. Sue me. At least i still posted somethin!

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