The Prince

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Whoo!! Catching up on all my missed doodles!! (Minus Lost Girls cause screw that prompt it hates me)

Now this drawing i was definitely excited for...but damn did i not know whicj of many ideas i should choose.
For all my other Inktober drawings (or most anyways) i liked to imagine they all lived in the same world, or even the same forest since the prompt list was forest character themed. So, instead of going the easy route of MLB references (sorry MaritheViolinist! XD) i went with a more original idea.

And i hated it.

Actually, hate is a too strong of a word.
The piece itself, i really liked even as a sketch. However, i got too caught up into it with my excitement, and added a whole lot more shit than maybe i should of.
By the end of it, i had this epic, Prince god of the forest, and even had a whole story surrounding this tree-like creature i had created. And i was damn proud.
...but it didnt didnt look like a prince anymore...
And this fact caused me to pause right when i should of inked it.
Three days the drawing sat, because i was now suddenly embarrassed by it.
It wasnt a prince anymore!! What was i going to do?! Explain my little made believe story behind it and looklike a nerdy idiot??
So finally, i pushed asside my beautiful tree creature, and whipped up another Adrien, actually.
He came out good an all. Definitely looked his title. But...i wasnt happy with it.
I still liked my tree man. But still embarrassed. Because he was strange, and incredibly different than what a normal person would post for Prince.
But you guys know what?
Im posting my tree man anyways.
Was i embarrassed? Hell yes.
Am i still? Hell yes.
But you know what. Im also PROUD. Proud of my abilties. Proud i was able to make a unique being on my paper. And just because he isnt a "proper" prince, didnt mean he was a prince to me.
And guys. You should ALWAYS own up to your work!!
If you love your drawings, your hobbies, your tv shows or games then dont feel the need to hide it because its abnormal or strange.
If you like it, then dont be ashamed. Its a part of you, and you have no reason to hide it. LOVE WHAT YOU DO, AND YOULL LOVE WHAT COMES OUT!! BE BRAVE AND OWN UP TO IT! EVEN IF ITS SHIT, BECAUSE ITS STILL YOUR SHIT. AND AS LONG AS YOU LIKE IT, THEN ITS FANTASTIC SHIT. DONT LWT ANYONE RAIN ON YOUR SHIT PARADE. BE PROUD OF YOURSELF!! AND YOUR SHIT! that im done with that little monologue... how about i finally show you guys that forest Prince of mine?

It has legs, but im re-working them to look more like tree trunks and less like lizard legs

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It has legs, but im re-working them to look more like tree trunks and less like lizard legs. Techinically, this whole piece is still in progress. BUT i wanted to catch up on all my Inktobers i missed, so i posted what was done.
So basically the story behind this tree creature is that its kinda like a Guardian of the forest. A forest god of some sort. It has been there for ages. Many ages...
Legends arrose that these guardians were the original creators of their forest, and thus was the father of the forest. But now it hibernates in its throne, sleeping till the day his children need him most.
The beings living in these forests come to worship their woodland's specific "Prince" as theyre often referred to as, among other names. (Each forest has their own guardian. Bigger the forest, bigger and more powerful the god that created it)
THIS Prince i drew is for the forest majority of my other drawings live in. Like the Dryad, centaur, witch.
Btw, i definitely need to devote a chapter to life in the forest for you guys. Cause im not saying that the Dryad and the Centaur i drew are  dating. (yet)
But they def gay.
Okay so they might be dating. But who else is going to help unicorn girl weave all those pretty flowers into her braids?? Helga the forest witch from chapter two high key ships them. Hard. But thats all just the begining. XD
Okay enough pointless talk. I still have two more chapters to upload before i can sleep.

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