The Dryads

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Whoo day three and i finished before 11:59!!
Helps when you dont fill up the whole page. XD
Anyway, today's Inktober doodle was to be off of Dryads.
(For anyone who hasnt read Percy Jackson, or just dont know much about these creatures, Dryads are a kind tree nymphs, or spirits. They usually live in one particular tree each, and guard it as since their life force is connected to that particular tree. Usually theyre depicted in the olden days as beautiful ladies, either naked or leaves covering the uh...*cough cough* important parts... Now adays i can gladly say artists of all kind agree they look more like plants now a days. However there are some people who still prefer the be warned if you look up Dryad pics!! I learned the hard way too...)
There isnt really much i could think of writing for a Dryad, especially for my own. Soooo no writing here. Tbh just making the drawing each day is a task in and of itself. Then writing a short story for it? For thirty days?! Pffft.
I think writing has been booted officialy from every day, to on occasion whenever it isnt half hour till midnight when i finish the Inktober drawing.


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Pretty, aint she? :D

Btw guys. Idk how the images look for you guys, but whenever i upload them, the only way i can get a right-side up pic is if i take it sideways on my camera (horizontal)...
When i take the pic vertically, it uploads onto Wattpad sideways witch ticks me off cause the vertical photos are beter focus on the drawing, AND y'all dont have to see my disgusting desk in photos!!
So, in the Dryad photo above...does it come sideways to you guys, or right side up? I wanna know if its just me who has to see this crap and then you guys are getting sideways pics, or if its just cause Wattpad is an a-hole.

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