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"Uughh, fuck this!" Taehyung frustratingly threw his brush on the floor. "It's so hard to get this thing right!" he then mumbled to himself, clenching his fists, and walking out of his working area to grab his brown designer jacket. "I need a fucking break, I'm going to do this later." He slammed his door, not caring at the thought of disturbing his neigbors.

He wore his white mask, and started to hug himself at the cold weather. His brown jacket doing its job at keeping the brunette warm. He walked at the busy city of seoul, breathing fresh air aswell, and looking at his surroundings for art inspirations. He then thought of going to his favorite exhibition, grabbing his small but expensive camera in his jacket's pocket.


"now this is what I call art" he smiled at himself, looking at his favorite art piece on the exhibition. He took a picture of it again (maybe for the 23rd time), and then wandered around the exhibition afterwards.

"I still don't know how to finish my current art piece, how can I reach the level of these famous artists if I cannot do the simple method of shadows?" he mumbled to himself while touching another painting (secretly) and he sighed, knowing that he spent years in art school but is still struggling in painting details. He grabbed his camera to take pictures again. But now, he's capturing the comfortable silence surrounding this exhibit, especially the sophisticated people in this building.

He felt a tiny man giving him small glances, but he gave no importance of it. Instead, he still continued taking pictures of paintings that he admired.

Taehyung haven't noticed the tiny man yet, as he is walking towards him, while the brunette was still taking pictures (yes, he really liked photography). The tiny man said, tapping the brunette's back "Jimin? Is that you?"

Taehyung did not reply nor looked at him. So the stranger slapped his camera (accidentally hard) that it fell to the floor, smashing into pieces. The brunette painfully watched as his camera break into tiny pieces. The stranger looked at him in horror. "I'm-I'm-I'm s-sorry, I t-thought y-you w-were m-my-"
"What the fuck! Did you know how much that camera cost?!" Taehyung shouted, not caring about the people giving him angry stares. "I'm really s-sorry, I thought that you were m-my boyfriend" he shakingly apologized.

"I don't care about your boyfriend! You ruined all my inspirations and photos! I want you to pay me back you asshole!" He still shouted, the people just left the part of the exhibition to go somewhere peaceful.

"Well okay. Just stop shouting, you're making the people leave!" the cute stranger whisper-shouted.

"Whatever," Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Money or a favour?" The stranger asked. "Yoongi by the way, I'm really sorry for breaking your precious camera." He added and offered his hand for the taller man to shake.

Taehyung accepted his large hands (which is attractive because it opposes to his height) and Taehyung crosses his arms afterwards, "Taehyung." he said coldly, not bothering to take his eyes off the small man.

"Oh boy, stop sulking now, you look like a child" Yoongi (his name now mentioned) told Taehyung, making the taller man gasp in offense. "The fuck? small asshole, please don't be friendly at me, I just want you to pay me back. Now what will you pay me back?" he sarcastically smiled.

"Anything you want except for a date or a kiss. I have a boyfriend as you already know." Yoongi winked at the taller man.

Taehyung then thought of payments that yoongi can give him, and after a few seconds, he just had the most brilliant idea ever.

"Now that you're paying me back, may I ask if you're an artist like me?"


| Author's Notes.

Yasss, 1st chapter!

Excuse me for some mistakes. Also, Thank you for reading! Please vote and comment as well! I appreciate it.


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