Chapter. 14

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Discord was walking when a idea popped into his head. He looked at his claw and paw. They were free. He looked at the guards with a grin.

"Sorry boys, but I got a Buttercream to save!" Discord snapped his claws and he disappeared.


Discord was running down the bridge when a figure ran next to him. 

Discord raised a eyebrow. "Hercules?" 

The dog barked. 

"Your coming with me?" Discord asked with disbelief. The dog nodded. Discord smiled. 

"Lets save her together, dog friend!"


"Where do you thing she'll be?" Discord looked around the woods. Hercules rolled his eyes and barked. "What is it?" He asked.

Hercules huffed and pointed towards vines. 

"The cottage!" Discord exclaimed. "Good boy!" He ruffled Hercules's fur. 

Discord ran inside the cave and spotted the house. He felt white as a ghost as he was the door was gone. "Oh no".

"Fluttershy!" Discord called running inside. He saw a yellow figure sitting on the floor, their back facing him. He sighed. 

"Oh Fluttershy, I was worried I'd never see you again-" He was cut off as pain shot through him. Discord fell to the ground with a thud. 

He opened his eyes to see the figure was just a live-sized doll. The real Fluttershy was in chains, they covering her wings so she couldn't escape. "Discord!" She cried out, tears falling down her cheek.

"Now, look what you've done, Fluttershy" The voice of Twilight's was behind him. He turned around to see it was the mare who stabbed him. Fluttershy whimpered. "Oh don't worry, friend, I only did that so he can be weak when we turn him to stone" She walked over to the pegasus. 

Fluttershy tried walking to him. "Discord, Discord" She kept whispering. "And as for you. You are going to be the Element Of Kindness once again" Twilight pulled on her chains. Fluttershy gritted her teeth, using all her strength to get away from the mare. 

"Enough all ready. Stop fighting me!" Twilight snapped. "NO! I won't stop!" Fluttershy cried. "For every minute of the rest of my life, I will never stop fighting, I will never stop trying to get away from you!" Fluttershy stopped, panting. She looked Twilight in the eyes.

"But, if you let him go.... I'll become the Element Of Kindness". "No. No Fluttershy.." Discord moaned. 

"I will never run.... I will never try to escape"

"Just let him go. And you and I will be together forever, just like you want" Fluttershy spoke. 

"I promise"

Twilight released Fluttershy. She used her magic to put chains around him instead. "In case you have any ideas about following us". 

"Discord!" Fluttershy ran over and hugged him. "I'm so sorry this happened!" She whispered. 

"I'm going to try and heal you, maybe get one of my animal friends to help" Fluttershy uttered. "No" Discord started. 

"What do you mean no?" Fluttershy spoke. "If you make me live, I'll still get turned to stone" He breathed out. "I won't let them" She stated. 

Discord coughed. "But you won't die right? Y-you are the Lord Of Chaos, you live for thousands of years!" Fluttershy stuttered. "Fluttershy" Discord cupped her face. He looked at her watery teal eyes. "All things that live, have to die at some point".

"It will be better if I died rather then turned into stone" Discord tried to laugh but he coughed. "But it won't matter, you 'll get turned into stone because I'm part of the elements, I'll turn you into stone" Fluttershy whimpered. 

"No you won't" Discord pulled out the Element Of Kindness. Twilight saw it and gasped. Before she could grab ahold of it, Discord smashed it the ground. 

They all watched as it broke into a million pieces. 

I love cliffhangers! 

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